
The last dorm we stayed in was back in 1996 when we were in America. Back then, everything was fine. We didn't need to have any friends because anybody we met were 'friends'. Remember back when we were kids, and whenever we met someone around our age: instantly, we would become friends. It would go something like this.
Me: Hey! Wanna play?
Kid: Yay! *tag* You're it!!
Me: I love you. I will marry you. *kiss*
Kid: ewwww!!! cooties!!!
haha, or something like that.
Back then, friends didn't really matter. All we cared about was our own selfish pleasure. We'd go out and play, kiss a few girls, and then return back during the night with our kil-, I mean siblings. Then after burning all the carbohydrates and fats, we'd come back and sleep. Day after day, we'd just do this until we finally left.
But things have changed. We can no longer use other people for our own selfish pleasures. We have to be good people. We cannot be kids anymore. Pfft
Anyway, coming to Geelong has definitely been my 'peak' so far. Well, I guess I can't really compare it with any other part of my life yet. So thus far, it has been my most accomplished year of my life. I wonder what other painful adventures I'll have when I go to Singapore.
One thing I am really really fearful of though .. is how when I become very comfortable in Singapore again, I'll be sad to leave again. And this isn't a year; like in Geelong. This is gonna be twice the length. Besides how most of my time will be in the barracks, there'll definitely be this sense of attachment to the environment again. Friends and relatives especially. Then of course there's the food. Glorious food! How I love you! I'm so happy I'm in the stage of my life where I can eat heaps and gain hardly any weight. Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! I'll just have to burn most of the food in my training there.
Speaking of training, I've been trying to get into my training routine as often as I can. Today, I've managed to run the street outside our house. By 'run the street', I mean I ran one side of the sidewalk and at the end of the street, crossed over to the other side of the sidewalk and ran back. I ran one lap, then recovered for 1 or 2 minutes then ran another lap. The street is approximately 100-150m; do the maths. For now, I think that's enough because I don't wanna kill myself now. I'll gradually increase the distance. Just not yet cause it's quite strenous so far.
Then after my run, I did the shuttle run. Basically, it's this 10 metre dash thing with 2 'pick up' objects at the end; both 1 metre apart of each other. What I had to do, is sprint from the starting point, grab the first object, sprint back, sprint back to the second object, and sprint back to the starting point. We're supposed to run this under 10.2 seconds to get 'gold' ... Gold, I like gold. If I get 'gold' for my physical test, I'll have a high chance of cutting 2 months off my NS training. Gold gold gold.
Just recently, my dad returned back from Myanmar for his occasional 'mission trip'; so to speak. And when he does, he usually brings in the (I love this quote from Bryan) 'next shipment' of DVDs. And by DVDs, I mean good o'le movies. The most recent movie I've seen is Click and I must say, it's not quite what I was expecting. I won't reveal too much, but it was pretty much the opposite to what I was expecting from the show. It was quite touching, and I have to admit, it almost made me cry, but obviously, it wasn't good enough to make me cry. XD
There were several movies that I've seen which almost made me cry, but so far, I have not cried to a movie. Oh yes, what a man I am.
Labels: Australia, Exercise, S'pore Adventures
have fun ><"..try to at least miss ur ol' melb friends ^^
p.s/ first to post ^^ woot
hahaha! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!
chin ups, not so bad... 11.
But situps... >39? Man, that'd kill me.
oh yeah, and where's my credit for the banner?!??
hahaha... j/k j/k
haha, i haven't forgotten about your credit ucl wesley ;)
It's coming, it's coming.
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