School Of Rock

So go me! I'm a daddy's boy!
They had a drummer for Sunday, so I was given the guitar. I'm not complaining that I got the guitar. Actually, it's quite fun to play the guitar. You can stop while the music is going (but not when you're the only one carrying the music of course lol), and no one will notice. We ended up rehearsing for 3 hours straight. At the end, there was a 5-10 minute break before we had to play through the songs again. Normally, I wouldn't have to play the guitar for so long. I don't even play the drums for that long. So ultimately, my slightly calloused fingers took a beating. I just hope that tomorrow, it won't be so painful.
Anyway, I asked what time I had to be there, and they told me 8:30am. I was kinda shocked to hear that, but I also understand why it's so early. It's just that for me, it takes approximately an hour to get to the church, which means I'd have to leave around 7:30am, just to make it in time. Well, that's what you get for serving God. lol Now, I say I won't mind. Let's just see how I'll fare tomorrow when my body is whining for rest.
Besides that, I haven't been getting up to much. I've wanted to train, but it's been raining the past few days. I really should get started again because I'm feeling quite unproductive. It's not that I don't like being unproductive, but I feel guilty for not being productive. It's my conscious that gets to me.
I contemplated training tonight, but there's a soccer game happening tonight. Live telecast from England; Charlton Vs Liverpool. So I didn't wanna train knowing that I have a time limit to quickly train, and to quickly have a shower, as I tend to sweat a lot. Not to mention the humidity here which helps me.
Currently, I'm waiting for a job which I have already applied for. My dad's old time friend has given me an application to fill out, so I'm just waiting. Waiting for any reply on whether she can give me a job or not. I don't want to work, but I need a bit of cash and I need to feel a little bit less guilty. Sitting at home all day, isn't exactly how I pictured myself wasting away. If I had a PS2 to play Fifa07, I'll be glad to stay at home. lol Just gimme food, water, and my Ipod, and I'll be happy. Oh yes ... I could picture myself going insane doing that for 2 years.
Oh dear.
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