
Anyway, now that I'm feeling a bit better, I'm stronger now. Much better than a few days ago. This is why.
Yesterday was pretty sad. I broke my record of the longest time chatting on MSN to 10 hours. From morning to night, I was online. Generally, I wouldn't be on for so long. Maybe as long at 3 or 4 hours, but not more than 6 hours. So then yesterday was pretty depressing. I didn't want to leave the computer because I really didn't have much else to do. It was raining outside; which meant I couldn't train, and if I did go venturing outside, I'd have to use money; not only for purchasing stuff but also for the transport to places. That was why I just stayed in the whole day and used the internet. During that time, I managed to talk to several people I normally wouldn't talk to, in person. It's a great thing this. MSN is probably one of the greatest inventions mankind has ever come up with. If I ever meet the guy who made this, I'll take my hat off to him. Those of you who know what I'm talking about, you should be able to understand the validness of this statement.
Also, during my time online, I managed to find out my ENTER score and I had my prayer answered. All I wanted for my ENTER was 90+ and that was what I got. I couldn't have asked for more; or maybe an even higher score :P Praise God for it though!
I stopped my MSN marathon when the time came close to 6:40pm. I had arranged with my cousin, Earl, to meet him at Jurong Point Shopping Mall. We met up and he shouted me dinner and coffee. hehe, ok for you non-aussies who don't know what 'shout' is, it means to pay for someone else. hehe, I'm still an aussie at heart (even though I'm not). lol
Anyway, we had a nice chat, and while we were talking, the guy from New Life Community Church, which was the church Amoz, his friend, and I went to last sunday, called me up and asked me to join the Music band. I was a bit bedazzled at first because firstly, I had only been there once for like 2hours which meant they barely even knew me. And to ask me to join their band and come practice with them on Saturday made me wonder if this was really happening. Secondly, they didn't know how well/badly I play, and for them to ask me to play so soon was quite shocking. I think in the midst of his introduction, he mentioned that my dad emailed them to ask me to join or something. I found it difficult to decipher what he was saying at first cause I was still trying to picture who he was. All that didn't help when the place was so noisy.
So yeah, after that phone call, Earl and I talked a bit more, and decided to leave. While I was walking back from the MRT station, I realised that I was just a bit more happy. Happy to have gone out and had a civil conversation with someone my age, and to be a part of a community, so to speak.
This morning, I decided that it was time to get out and exercise. I went to the nearby canal and found several 'facilities', like a chin up bar, sit up bar, monkey bar, etc. I went for a run, and I have to say, it was so very tiring. Maybe because 1) I haven't done any jogging in a week, 2) the atmosphere was pretty humid and hot, and 3) the place smelt of sea creatures. There were people in the canal catching things. I don't know if it was legal or not, but there was this guy in there throwing a net around, trying to catch who knows what, for these 3 old ladies. I found it hard to breathe because the air wasn't "fresh". The air was pretty bad, and I'm not talking about the sea side beach smell. I'm talking about those really stale, really disgusting sea smell from the sea creatures kinda smell. Disgusting if you ask me.
Lol~Yes, msn is good isnt it! :P
"All Hail! Lord MSN!"
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