Singin' In The Rain

Anyway, Singapore rained for 60+ hours straight and finally stopped sometime in the morning today. It started Sunday afternoon and went on and on and on and on. The entire two and a half some odd days were dark and gloomy, which was weird, because I would find myself waking up at 9:00am, thinking it was still early.
Obviously, this made it difficult for me to train. The rain was simply too heavy for me to even consider going out. And even if it did lighten up a bit, it would pour again not long after. How irritating.
Personally, I don't like the rain. I don't like how it makes everything wet and slippery. This morning, I almost slipped. Twice! while going to my grandma's place. After the first one, I was like, "Thank you God! Thank you so much!" Cause I was on the stairs and they were really 'narrow', so if I fell there, it would have been quite painful. The second time was not so scary, but I still could have slipped.
And then, there's the smell of wetness. In Singapore, you can really smell it because the ground is mainly concrete, so all the 'evaporation' of moisture makes everything smell of water. However, what I dislike most about the rain, is the prevention of outdoor activities. Training for me is one them, but I think my dislike for rain began back in Waverley Christian College when we would usually play basketball every recess and lunchtime. It was then that I really started to dislike the rain because our basketball court would get drenched and we would not be able to play. You may be thinking, "Oh, but there are other times when you could play. Why are you 'childish' to wanna play all the time? Be more mature and stop playing games boy!"
Well, that's true. I could be more mature. But that's not the point. The point is, back in Waverley, when basketball was a real hype, I had 2 lunchtime classes each week. This meant I only had every recess (15 minutes) and 3 lunchtimes (50 minutes) to play. That's not a lot of time actually. If you've ever played a basketball match, you'd know that time goes by really quickly. So now consider a rainy day. It would mean I would only have 4 recess and 2 lunchtimes to play basketball. How terrible is that! lol
Bottom line is, I don't like rain. It's wet, it's cold, and it's watery.
Amoz tells me that I will love the rain when I get into the army. That's because in Singapore, there's a lot of lightning and thunder. So here, there's this rule where whenever there's lightning, you can't do anything outside because there's a high chance of lightning strikes.
I'll see if my love for the rain changes in a few months time. I still remember reading Amoz's blog entry about him having to build a trench outside his tent in the middle of the night because it was raining and water was flooding into his tent.
errr.... I still don't think I'll like it.
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