The Pacifier

I realise I tend to blog more about the things which are going 'right' for me than the things which are going 'wrong'. Naturally, I'd rather not blog about them but on occasions, I will try. But rest assured, I will blog on the things which I find fun and entertaining. Simply because it'll be great for you guys to read, and a way to store 'memories' where I can go back and read some day in the future.
The NAPFA test is just a few breaths away. Unbelieveably, it's only 5 days away. 8 days ago, I was unsure if I was going to be able to complete the 2.4km run, but now, I can confidently say that I'm going to make it. For the last 8 days, I've basically been training non-stop, alternating swimming and running each night. I took Tuesday night off because I went down to my other grandma's place and it was raining the whole night. So that was the only day I didn't exercise. Regardless of how I failed to train that day, the swim last night was just as refreshing.
I managed to swim for an hour before the life guard told us that it was time to go. I went at night, around 8pm. I've chosen to go around that time because there tends to be less people around there. Especially when it's Christmas night, and everyone's gone home to be with their families.
So I've decided to go a little bit earlier because I felt like I could have gotten a few more laps in there. Now that I think about it, swimming is actually quite fun. It's one of the hardest sports because it uses most of the muscles in your body and really gets your breathing pattern to a consistent level. I'm quite sure this will be to my advantage in the NAPFA test. Tonight, I shall see. Provided it doesn't rain, I will see how my running is going.
This weekend, I'll be playing the drums for the church. I hope it'll be ok because the standard of music here is a bit higher, and playing the drums is a little bit more demanding than playing the guitar. The way you play the drums compliments the music, which means if you stuff up, everyone will know that you did it and you alone. No one else, just you.
You could say I have a lot of experience playing for church, but my drum skills, I admit I wished was a little bit better than it is now. There are so many things I still wanna master, but I can't find the time and place to do it. If I had a drum set at home, I'll play it as often as I play the clarinet. Pity I don't have one now, otherwise I'll use all my 'free time' on it.
One thing I like about the style of music here though, is that the music is nice and loud. Loud enough for the drummer to smash the drums to pieces. hehe, just the way I like it.
was just browsing thru ur darling blog... and came across a phrase where u said u really like blogging...
super hilarious.
Anw, have heaps of FUN in SG
[how can u not!]
Love <3
lol, thanks dawn. haha
Hope you enjoy reading my 'darling' blog as much as I enjoy typing it! ^^
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