Big Momma's House

This is a very close replica of the result slip that they gave me. The only difference is that mine is very similar to a receipt and the typing is quite puny. So I reckon this result table looks just as nice if not better :)
I really have to thank God for this help in getting me ready mentally and physically. More so physically because when I left Australia, I was still ill and felt like a pig; seeing that I usually eat in large quantities and exercise in not so large quantities. Obviously, I had to shape up before I left, and yesterday when I did my final morning run in preparation for the NAPFA test, I was on the verge of collapsing because I was breathing so heavily. Not to mention how I was unable to train for 3 days, so of course this did play a factor in my struggle to be physically ready. I remember saying after the run, "Lord, You better help me! I'm going to die if You don't, so please, HELP!"
Low and behold, He did! I was actually the fastest on the track for the 2.4km run as I ran all 6 laps at a considerable pace without stopping. Even though my legs were screaming in pain, and my lungs crying out for air, I did it in 11 minutes. I reckon, when I go to the army, I should be able to cut 2 minutes off the time, as we would have to run 2.4km in under 9.44minutes. No worries mate.
Everything else that I did was pretty good. The only thing I was quite disappointed with was the Broad Jump. I got above 240cm when I was in Australia. I dunno why I didn't break 240cm when I did it today. Maybe Chariz didn't record it properly when I did it =P Chariz! It's all your fault! You brought my hopes up! Now, I'm crushed! *weeps pathetically*
Nah, I don't think it was Chariz's fault. I think I just didn't try hard enough. I thought it would be really easy so I didn't really add any 'ummph' to it. If I did, I believe I could have done a little bit better. Meh, it's still good. 3 points is still gold XD
Believe it or not, I was actually the 'star' on the field. I came in first for all the tests and I believe I was the only one who actually completed the 'purpose' of the NAPFA test, ie. the purpose of going there is to get Gold or Silver. I believe I was the only one to get Gold as no one else got Silver. It was amazing, and of course, I give all glory to God for His creating my physique. Surely if He didn't, I'd be sitting at home, slugging all over cheese crackers, hoping that for some justified reason there's a purpose in getting out of my seat where my fat fliters through the cracks of the chair. Thankfully, that didn't happen.
Truth be told, I really didn't expect to shine above everyone through the test. I was there simply to pass the test and get the 'prize'. I knew I could do well in half the tests. What I didn't realise was how I was able to do well and excel through the tasks ahead of all the others. All in all, it was great fun to come in first :)
On Sunday, Amoz and I were invited to a BBQ for dinner at pastor's house. Unfortunately, Amoz had an army function and couldn't attend. I ended up going down myself, seeing that I would be in church in the morning and at night, I might as well go and not be a party pooper. I went, and to my amazement, the food was excellent. It was one of the best BBQs I've had. For those who know me, I am very critical of the food and wouldn't give any dish a whooping score of 9.5 out of 10 if it was just 'average'. However, this time, I have to say that I'd give the food at the BBQ a score of 8.5 to 9. In my books, this is really good. If I get the dish a 9.5, you know you've stolen my heart and I would consider taking your hand in marriage, lol.
I wasn't expecting much from this BBQ, but after taking the first bite, I was taken on a magical joyride somewhere over the rainbow. Almost everything was really really really well done. Everything from the potato entree to the pepper crab main, was really well done. I ate and ate and ate until I couldn't eat the ice cream desert, which turned out to be nearly a dozen tubs of Häagen-Dazs Ice Cream. (In actual fact, I was quite content with the food and eating icecream would have ruined the 'memories' of the night. So I decided not to eat it. Plus, I don't really have a sweet tooth). All in all, almost everything was delicious. The only 'bad' dish that night was the chilli squid. As much as I love chilli and squid, this was really quite too much. There was simply too much chilli, it spoilt the dish, so after taking a single piece, I had to decline the rest because it would burn your mouth and there wouldn't be any more fun in eating if you were panting in agony of the burning sensation in your mouth. Besides that, everything else was awesome!
Anyway, the reason why I've retold this story was because of the funny table conversation which took place at our table. It goes like this, there's this 'large' lady who really likes to talk a lot and it just so happens that she loves food, and this skinny guy sitting next to her. I sat just across from where they were seated, and I could hear everything. Then, there are 'extras' in this story, so let's call them extra1, extra2 and extra3.
Scenario: Pepper crab has just landed on our table, and everyone is complimenting on the deliciousness of the dish.
Lady: mmm! Wah! So nice wan! *sucking on the crab*
Guy: Yahhhh..!! Valy nice! (yeah, very nice)
Extra1,2,3: *suckling noises*
Extra1: *suck saliva* but you know ah, the meat ya? A bit dry no?
Everyone: yeah uh?!
Lady: Yeah, I think I know. The crab, overcook!
Guy: Must be lah. (that must be it!)
Everyone: *with crab in mouth* mmmmm!
Lady: If you overcook ah, crab dry wan! Then not nice already.
Guy: mmmmmm (I understand you perfectly! You are so very intelligent!)
(Pastor's wife comes over to table)
Pastor's wife: So how is it?
Lady: Wah! very nice! Only thing ah, the crab overcook.
1. Singaporeans are generally fat.
2. I doubt any of them trained for the test.
So therefore, you rule! Go Boaz! Kick some more ass!
w00t! ^^
They aren't fat, they're just unfit. THe majority of s'poreans are really skinny and unfit, which is why i won!!!! whoooO!!!!
Go me! Go me! Go me! Go me!
hey dude. it's Tim tay, ur bro's army friend.
sorry i forgot about the napfa scales i was supposed to get for you.haha. but well done dude! =)
haha, don't worry about it XD
I got the book which told me all about, but thanks for your help! :)
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