Blood Diamond

Consequently, my posting rate will drop significantly, due to the overwhelming demand to work work work. Working can only be good for one thing. And that’s money. If there was no money involved, I guess there wouldn’t be a legitimate reason to do what we do in the work force. Not unless you’re volunteering in the soup kitchen, but that’s completely different. What I’m trying to say is, if I didn’t have that ‘goal’ of being paid a big fat juicy salary, I wouldn’t be at the office every morning at 9am. I’d probably be at home, sleeping on my comfortable bed, waiting for the sun to shine through my curtain windows and onto my eyelids. Oh, how wonderful were those times.
Sadly, I’ve given up all that for a measly $1,000 a month. Like I need the money. I need my beauty sleep. Now thinking about it, I really don’t know why I took this job the minute they called for me. Maybe it was because of the guilt that ran through my face. I mean, with me sitting at home each day, not having a care for the world, watching Moulin Rouge on peekvid dot com, one is bound to feel guilty.
I dunno why I took this job actually. It’s boring, it’s tedious, and it’s repetitive. And the only thing keeping me going is the money at the end. I’m just looking forward to several things that have been arranged and planned in the near future.
- When my mum comes over to Singapore, my mum, auntie, grandma and myself are going on a cruise to Malaysia. It’s a 3-day, 2 nights cruise to Malacca and Kula Lumpur. I reckon it’s gonna be fun because I don’t remember the last time we went on a cruise, if I’ve been on a cruise at all. It has a theatre, gym, pool, casino, my favourite, a two story all-you-can-eat buffet, and much much more. Oh dear me! I’m in heaven. lol If this is heaven to me, I can’t imagine heaven itself! hehe So anyway, with this cruise coming up, I’m hoping to bring along some good ‘spare’ cash to spoil myself a bit. Now that should be fun!
- Emily might be coming over in April and she has asked that I ‘take her out’, and I’m sure you all know what that means. hehehe I’m gonna bring her to places, and I’m gonna spoil the two of us. I hope to use so much money that day it won’t be funny. hahaha Hopefully she’ll let me. Emily, if you’re reading this, will you let me? =P hehe, you see, Emily to me is like an older sister I never had. We seem to connect so well, and even though I’ve known her for a few months only, we seem to converse like good ol’e siblings. And to top it all off; she’s a dentist. She’s a dentist, who happens to be single. XD Single, men!
Those are the things that I have planned. If by some small chance, I still have some money left, I’m going to invest it some of these things. Not in chronological order. Depending on what I’m feeling when I wake up each day.
- I really want to get a saxophone before I return. Hopefully, I’ll be able to play it as well. I’ve wanted this for so long, I think this is the time for me to get it. I’ll have reasonable savings before I return to Australia, so I hope to invest in a reasonably good saxophone for a low price. I spend too much for my first saxophone because my mum reckons I should save some in an event when I get another type of saxophone. I think my first saxophone will be a soprano saxophone. It’s very similar to a clarinet, so it shouldn’t be too much different.
- Get dancing lessons next year. Obviously lessons are gonna cost something. Someone told me that it might be expensive, seeing that I want to learn ballroom dancing. Well, there goes a good amount of my money. It’ll be worth it. I’m sure it will.
- If by some miraculous miracle, I still have a glimpse of my savings at this point, I will invest in getting a car when I get back to Australia. There is no way I’m gonna survive in Australia without a car. If you don’t have a car, you basically don’t have a life. If there are so many demands in your life, and if you don’t have a car, you’re basically dead meat. Having to scab rides off people in the past has shown me that. Plus, I feel really bad when I have to beg people to drive me home each time. Can’t imagine if I were they when I get my own car. I guess we’ll just have to see.
If you notice, I am the sort of person who has to plan in advance. Planning my next step in life is what I do all the time. I really dislike heading into the future without a goal, without an aim in life. It’s silly. I can’t stand it. At least with these goals, I can see that my current sufferings are nothing compared to the big picture. Having to wake up each morning and going to work and coming back 12 hours later is quite minor to what is in-stored in the future. So I’ve decided to not focus on what is, but what is to come. And what is to come is money. Only a mere 5 weeks and 2 days to go in my temp job.
Booo... Soprano sax is for girls.
Are you going to have time for dancing lessons??
Gonna need a lot of money for a car...
So what's Emily's phone number then ;) ;)
Amen to that Boaz. You gotta have a goal to make the boring work seem worthwhile. Is your job five days a week? I always wanted to play the Sax. Play some cool deep dirty bluesy tunes. I'd go a tenor sax.
hehehe, the Soprano is not for girls!! ;P
I hope i will have time for dancing lessons. If i don't have the time, i'll be disappointed. But i guess I won't really have a choice if I don't have enough time for it.
haha, i don't think i need to give you emily's number u. wesley. The time will come when you will meet her ;)
I actually work 5.5 days a week. Alternate saturdays.. really sucks.
I reckon im unpaid. Even after a $100 raise, i still reckon i should get more XD
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