The Little Mermaid

So what in the world am I talking about? If you haven't figured it out yet, I was talking about swimming. I just came back from swimming and my body is feeling really fit again. I feel like I could take on an elephant and probably get trampled in the process, but I feel ambitious! Let's try it!
This time, I swam leisurely for an hour and manage 20 laps in the process. I really took it so much easier this time and I was able to do more laps than if I had used lots of strength. Surprisingly, this 'accomplishment', so to speak, wasn't the highlight of my swim. The highlight of my swim was diving down to the bottom of the pool and swimming around like a little fish. Now that was so much fun. I felt for a moment there that I was one of those guys in Survivor trying to fish for food. Except they have to dive deeper and they actually get something from the water. Whereas I only get chlorine water all over my body when I surface. Still, it was absolutely awesome.
One thing that really took my breath away was when I was underwater and when I looked up and to see the 'waterline' of the water on the surface. It was such a lovely sight. The light penetrated through the surface of the water and diffracted its way onto the pool floor; it was beautiful. If I could have an underwater tank, I think I could swim along the bottom of the pool floor for as long as the water tank can supply me with air. I reckon that would be so much fun.
The only thing which I am concerned about is the pressure when I am under water. Just going down the shallow end, where the water level is at a mere 1.30m, you could notice the pressure difference when you go down to the bottom. I fear that the pressure would do some damage to my eardrums if I do this too often. I really want to go into the deep end and swim down there but I have a bit of concern for my ears. Besides that, it's great.
I'm really glad that my dad taught us to swim when we were little. Despite how I know I'm not the greatest swimmer around, I'm so glad that I am able to swim in the pool. If any of you can't swim right now, you really should consider doing it cause it's so much fun! Plus, you get really fit in the process. Seriously, swimming is one of the best ways to get fit real fast, real good. I've realised that swimming is way better than running. It's fun, it's enjoyable, and it's not so strenuous on your legs. So do it! Or at least seriously consider it. If you want to be fit, this is a good way to start. You can take your time in the pool, and gradually build your stamina and fitness. If you get tired of doing laps, just relax in the pool and just do easy swimming motions around the shallow areas. You won't regret it, unless of course, you're hydrophobic. Then maybe you shouldn't listen to me.
Labels: Exercise
hey! haven't read your blog for ages... so seeing i had a chance to go on the net i decided to read some entries but not all.... there was sooo much!
think i remember reading something about being more mature and independent or something..... well when my aunty saw you she said you looked those things,and "handsome" too! =P
pretty long comment so i'll leave it as that.. hope all is well...cya!
awww, shucks..
hehe ^^
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