Malcolm In The Middle

on Friday, I finished up the day with a lot of 'That 70's Show' episodes. Seriously, I think it's my second most favourite comedy series after Fraiser. You see, thanks to a friend, I've made a new best friend called peekvid dot com. It has so many TV shows that I've seen in the past like, of course That 70's Show, Star Trek Voyager, Malcolm In The Middle, etc. So now with my new best friend, I am much entertained throughout the day. Sadly, I believe I will be starting work soon so I will be seeing my new best friend a bit less each day. Significantly less.
Saturday, I first headed down to my other grandma's place to drop off my things for the following day. I left the house around 11am and got there in time for lunch and other miscellaneous tasks like vegetating. Amoz and I headed off for band practice at 1pm. We left the church sometime after 7pm, so yeah, we spent a lot of time at church practicing and 'socialing'. lol
I left home at 7:30am the next day because I had planned to go out with the Tohs that day. So I left a bit earlier to try to get movies tickets for a 2pm show. Yes yes, what an idiot. Who would be working at 8am on a Sunday morning at a cinema? Well, my auntie said that they had a 24 hour machine that allows you to book and purchase your ticket in the cinema. I went super early to try to get the tickets. Unfortunately for me, my flawless plan to retreive a ticket wasn't so flawless in the end. It became so flawed, that the meaning of the word flawless would be terribly flawed. How horribly flawed this statement is flawed.
I'm lost.
Anyway! ... I've lost all sense of direction. And that was how I felt when I was unable to find the ticket machine. So I mournfully headed for the elavator down to the ground floor. I then took the train to church and arrived 10 minutes early. I tried to drag my feet to church to waste time but I was unable to walk without a leap in my step. To my dismay, the door was locked. So I weaped ever so bitterly into the morning air crying out, "Romeo Romeo! Where art tho--" What in the world am I saying?! Argh! It's 11:30pm and I'm talking rubbish. grrrr
Lemme try to fast forward without getting too ridiculous.
The church serviced prolonged a bit longer than expected. I had planned to be out of there by 12:10pm and on the way to the cinema to purchase the tickets. There, I hoped to jump on the bus to the Toh's place to pick them up and bring them back to the cinema. That was the plan. Sadly, my plan was taken by a mother bird and regurgitated and then fed to the little birdies for them to poo out into what became to be. What actually happened was...
I left the church at 1:05pm, rushed to the MRT station, took the train to the cinema, looked at the clock, panicked at the fact that it was 1:30pm, rushed up to the cinemas, bought the tickets, found out that the movie was at 1:50pm and not 1:55pm (the internet lied! unless I was seeing doubles), ran back down to the bus stop, waited for the bus for 5-10mins, the bus stopped at thirteen hundren bus stops (it seemed like eternity), dropped down at the correct bus stop, ran eighty nine kilometres (it seemed like eternity) to their block which was like 'hidden' among the other housing estate, ran up the block to the forth floor, found out I was on the 'wrong side' of the block, ran back down, ran to the other stairs, ran up the correct flight of stairs, stopped at the wrong floor, went down one more floor, ran around the floor like a headless chicken, notice an asian head pop out from an apartment, rushed to that head, and discovered that it was the right apartment. But wait! There's more! Ran with the Tohs down the stairs, dashed across the blazing Singaporean sun, started to bleed sweat and also crying for a taxi as we had to get to the main road, noticed that a taxi where we were running were coming our way, waved to check if it was taken, and it wasn't. We leaped in and told the driver to break every possible law to get us there as soon as he can. By then it was 2:10pm, so we missed quite a bit. We got there at 2:15pm and ran to the elavator. Stood there for another 5 minutes just screaming for a lift to bring us up 4 stories. Normally, we would go take the escalators but the Plaza had a poorly designed escalator system and would take forever to get up to the 4th floor. On top of which, there were hundreds of raging Singaporeans roaming the plaza. We got up there, and I told them to go in as I got the food. That took another 5 minutes so I reckon I missed 30 minutes of the show. I took the 4 drinks and popcorn into the cinema and as I open the door, I walked in and smacked the drinks into the door. Go me!
Labels: Friends, S'pore Adventures
perhaps you should have just gone to the box office and tried to exchange the tickets for a later session?
i did not know that boaz's flawless skills could be so flawed with his own flawless skills that made it so flawed... you made me so confused so i have to do it back to you =P
haha, thanks chariz hehehehe
Nah, we were running out of time with the movie because I had to bring them back at 6, and the next session was at 5. no way that would have been possible.
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