That 70's Show - Class Picture

I discovered all this in the morning when I contemplated sleeping in longer, and to my dismay, my screen read "4 Missed Messages". I was so shocked to realise that I had missed so many messages in a single night. I felt so ashamed. I read one of the messages and it said to come down for an interview at 9am that day. By then, it was already 8am and I wasn't really prepared to go anywhere. I called her and she had the interview rearranged to 1pm, which gave me plenty of time to 'muck around' ;p
To cut a long story short, I went for the interview, they asked me to do things on the computer, like entering this survey thing, and to test my typing speed. In all, it took 2 and a half hours to finish. I went back after they had told me that they'll call me either tonight or tomorrow about the job.
And today, they had called me to inform me that the job has been filled. So I'm on the hunt again. I just recently saw in the papers that they were looking for a "Part-time Eng & Maths teacher in Jurong. Under grads welcomed." Jurong is where I stay in. I considered it for like 10 minutes, then talked to my mum and she said that graduates are people who finish Uni. So I'm like..."yeah, I don't think I want it now."
Also, the Tohs are gonna be here anytime soon, so if I started work, I won't be able to 'entertain' them, as my dad quoted. I don't mind just staying home for 2 months and not working. Hey! Perhaps I should find a company who wants me to use internet all day so I can get paid for what I do daily! haha!
With that aside, lemme start a completely different topic; pimples. I guess at this age, pimples erupt at any unsuspecting moment. You can wake up the next day to discover you have a zit on the tip of your nose. It really is the case. For all you little kiddies out there who haven't experienced the wonderful nature of pimples, they can appear in the oddest places. Let me educate you kiddies of some of the oddest places they can appear, and they can be both irritating and painful.
Note: Everything I mention now is 100% true as I speak from first hand experience.
Location 2) Planted right in the middle of your forehead for the whole world to see. haha, no hiding now. It's like this beautiful breathing monument placed on top of an altar placed upon an oily surface placed on top of an astrodome that I call my forehead. Usually they don't appear too often, but when they do, it can get quite embarrassing because it's in open view. lol
Location 3) At the corner of the mouth. This is one of the worse locations for a pimple to be at. That's because whenever you open your mouth, it hurts and sometimes, you may even rip the pimple open for more bacteria to party. Once again, one of the worse places for a pimple to be 'breathing'.
Location 4) Inside the nostril. lol, believe it or not, it has happened to me. It's quite irritating because you could feel it pulsating in there but you can't reach it. Touching the nose only aggravates the pain. Moral of the story, be sure to wash your nostrils. ^^
Location 5) On my butt. ><" That's right. Don't ask me how, don't ask me when. Just know that it is possible. For me, I had it when I was back in Australia. hehe, gruesome, I know. When I had it, it was during the time when I played a lot of PS2. And when I wanted to play, I'd have to sit on the floor. So of course when I played it, I'd force myself to 'lean' to one side so that the 'pressure' would be redirected. Then again, it didn't help that I played for hours straight. It was a little bit annoying because I could cry out in pain whenever I lost my 'position'. eww.
Why would I talk about this? Simple. It's funny, it's silly and it's pretty much something that everyone would get one day or another. All we can do now, is just laugh at how silly it is, and be done with it. In my case, I'd laugh at how numb my right cheek was after playing PS2.
Labels: Miscellaneous, Work
Boaz... Undergraduate means you are taking your first degree... so imagine you are going to Uni instead of NS, and you would be an Undergrad.
I'd say that position would be quite suited to you - there's no harm in giving a call!!!!
see..uncle wesley told u to do it ><" if you don't believe me believe uncle wesley
lol, thanks kat! ^^ hehe
i'm actually currently sending an application under 'relief teaching'. XD
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