Schindler's List

Oh fine, you can have a glimpse. You can all watch the 'immature' side of my head as you read the wild thoughts of my head in my blog, as many of you have witnessed in shock during the course of reading my blog. Good thing this isn't what I am like in real life. hehe ... I hope.
Not too much has happened with me in Singapore. Ever since Jo-an left, I've mainly been home. As for church, I've asked for a one week break from the band. So I didn't go to church on Saturday. Besides that, I've been 'relaxing', so to speak.
With the NAPFA test now behind me, I have to admit that physically, I have been taking it easy. The last time I went for an exercise was last Tuesday when I went for a swim, so it has been a while. Well, to me at least. Not really all that used to not exercising for several days, which is why I am feeling a bit guilty for it.
This morning I did try to swim. I planned on waking up at around 6am to hit the pool. Well, I did the waking up bit, but I never got to the swimming bit. Simply because it was still closed. Normally, the pool would be open from 6am onwards, but because it's Sunday, it only opens at 8am. Sadly for me, I only found out this morning. Anyway, that meant more time for me to get ready to head off to church. I walked to the hawker centre across the road and had myself a nice delicious bowl of prawn noodle and a cup of soya bean. All for the price of $2.50. ^^
Looking forward, these are the things that I am hoping to do.
Firstly, I hope to get a job in a school as a relief teacher until end of February. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to call up some schools to ask if they've got an opening. But yeah, that's one thing I hope to get before my NS enlistment. In all honesty, I'd rather not work. But I would really like some good pocket money to spoil myself in the near future, so I guess I would also like to work. I mean, I don't mind bumming around all day using the internet, after all, who wouldn't. Unfortunately, I have to be more 'mature' and 'independent' as I embark on the challenge to find a job.
I believe there's a purpose and plan for all things that happen. God is in control of everything and I believe when He sent me down to the job interview in my church friend's workplace that there was a reason behind it. I don't know what is the reason yet, but I will know in due time. Also, just last Wednesday, I got a call from this job agency in Singapore who asked me about my resume I posted a few days prior. He asked me a few questions about what I was doing and when I'm going into NS.
As he concluded, he asked me, "So what do you hope to do when you finish your NS period?"
I answered, "I hope to return back to Australia to conclude my studies there," and as soon as I said that, he replied, "Thank you. That is all I need to know. Bye."
Reflecting on this conversation, I pondered as to why I was 'allowed' this phone call. Why would I have this phone conversation when there wasn't anything beneficial to me. After thinking it through, I began to realise that the lesson in this conversation thought me on what to say in the case of a future interview. Perhaps I should have replied, "At the moment, I'm not entirely sure, so I will have to wait and see." Or something along that line. Because from their perspective, I'm thinking they'll want someone whom they can call again in the event of a temporary vacancy. So it's understandable that they wanted someone who they know will be able to return if they needed help again.
From their point of view, it's totally logical. From my point of view, I was confuse as to why God would initiate a call like that. I mean why not 'blind' the job employer's eyes from my resume. If He didn't want me to have this job, I'm pretty sure he could have done that. But He didn't. So I'm sure there's a reason to it. At the moment, I can only see that it has taught me what to say to convince the employer that I am good to go, and ready to work. And also at the same time, not giving them a direct answer as to my future.
Secondly, I have to get ready for NS again. And when I say 'get ready', I mean get ready physically, as well as mentally. Maybe not so much emotionally because I guess I'm not so attached to the people here. Not as much as if I were in Australia, so I don't think it'll be much of a problem.
Seeing how I fared at the NAPFA test, I have to say that I'm pretty proud of how well I trained during the 2 weeks I had prior to the test. I trained hard, and I played my cards right. I kept my training routine tight, and results were shown. Now, if I could play these cards again, to get ready for a longer run at the course, I think I will be much better off again. No way is the army gonna be any easier than that miniature 'test'. It's gonna be hard. It's gonna be tough. So I'm gonna have to prepare myself again.
I know that once I'm in, they're gonna pound me to death. So I think it'll be good if I got myself fit before I go in. Just so that when I'm in, I won't have to worry about struggling as much as I would if I was unfit. Preparation is the key. It is very important and it is essential to making your life so much easier. I don't understand how or why people would go into new things unprepared. It's just silly and stupid. I mean, you see it coming, yet nothing is done about it. It's ridiculous. You have to be smart and wise, take preparations, it will be so much easier when the day of judgement comes.
With that, I not only talk about things that we do in activities, but things for God. Most of us know that God is coming, so we have to be prepared. In the same way, it would be stupid and silly if we don't prepare. We know that the coming is just around the corner. Make your time at judgement a whole lot brighter by preparing yourself. Don't be foolish. Do what's right.
Man, I don't know how I got into preaching in my blog. lol
On a whole different level, I think God teaches me new things each day through different experiences. Especially how I'm alone now, and will be more independent in most of the things I do. God has surely been driving me through different challenges and tasks as I gain very valuable and unique experience. Now examining myself, I notice that I am one to learn from experience and not the experience of others. Quite silly if you look at it, but I'm naturally stubborn and will not 'listen' if I'm not entirely convinced. Most of my advice and suggestions are from first hand experience so you could say, I have been ignoring most of you when you give me advice which is not convincing. ;p hehehe even though I know it's for my own good, I still won't listen because I'm stubborn. Plain old stubborn. To my fall I guess. Only for me to pick myself up and make sure I don't make that stupid mistake again.
So the moral of the story is, I don't listen to other people, but other people should listen to me. Simply because I'm cool ... from experience.
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