
I will retell the story of what happened to me as I went to church today.
The situation was awkward and definitely strange. This is what happened.
Everytime I go to church, I gotta take the train. So this was like any other Sunday morning. I hopped on the train, planning to get there at 8:30am. It was cool. I only had to wake up at 6:30am after sleeping at 11:30pm last night. To me, seven hours of sleep isn't quite enough for me. I have to sleep at least 8.5 hours, if not, I'll be sleeping during some course of the afternoon.
Anyway, after witnessing Liverpool's whipping performance against Chelsea, I was finally able to sleep at 11:30pm. Staying up to watch Liverpool beat Chelsea is definitely worth the suffering the next day. The only thing which would make me even more happy would be to see Liverpool win the Premier League, the Champions League, the FA Cup and the Carling Cup, all in the same season. Now if that happens, I would probably do something which would make every one of you shocked. But that's another story, for another day.
But I'm getting side-tracked. Let me continue.
So I was on the train, all tired, and all drowsy. However, I wouldn't be drowsy for very long. As soon as we got to the interchange (ie. where trains of different tracks meet at a station), I took a seat at the end and closed my eyes. Then, this middle-aged, approximately 40-50 years of age, decided that of all the seats available, he would choose to sit next to me. 'Fine,' I thought to myself. One would reckon that it would be 'ok', that they would sit next to you and probably 'touch' shoulders because of the proximity of the seats. However, one would not reckon it would be 'ok' if they would 'press' their shoulders and legs into you. Now that's just weird.
And that was basically what happened. When I took my seat at the end, this guy, who should I mentioned was really dirty with paint stains, dirt stains, etc. decided, because he was 'sleepy', that he should press his body parts into my respective body parts. Now, if this was a young girl, doing this to me, I would be over-the-moon. Especially, if she didn't look too bad. But for a middle-aged man to press his grimy 'shirt-covered' arm and 'jeans-covered' leg into my arm and leg, I would feel so awkward.
I was quite literally pressing myself against the 'wall' of the train, just so I could have my 'privacy' and dignity as a man. It was to no avail as he kept coming closer and closer. I would have asked him to "back-off" but he was sleeping throughout. And from the looks of it, he didn't seem like the 'friendly' type.
This went on for the majority of the trip, which might I add was a 35 minute ride. Half-way through the trip, I couldn't stand it anymore, and attempted to 'push' the guy away with my legs. Surprisingly, everytime I pushed it away, it just kept coming back. Soon, I found that it was futile. So I just sat there, trying to maintain my dignity as I pressed myself against the wall.
Salvation came when the lady next to him dropped off the train, as he discovered that he could now spread his grimy body parts in the other direction.
Generally, these kinda thing does happen quite often here in Singapore. A lot of people tend to sleep on the trains and buses, so they do press against you at times. Sadly, nothing this intimate has happened to me before. Let's hope it doesn't happen too soon. Better still, never again.
Moral of this awkward experience; be nice to the other passengers on the train because you wouldn't want to be me.
Labels: S'pore Adventures, Transport
oi..><" i know u enjoyed it while u were there =P...
im online.. =.=
sorry kat. I was at my grandma's place and by the time i got back, it was 11pm your time.. :(
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