Scooby Doo

This post will be devoted to a lot of random things I've noticed here in Singapore which I find are slightly amusing to my sense of humour. Ok ok, some of them are not amusing. But they are funny to the guy around the corner who laughs hysterically at the thought of having a green sky. ha ha, ha ha. Yeah yeah, I know. Get on with the point.
This happened just two days ago when I came back early from lunch. It was one of the funniest sights I've seen since coming to work. Well, I came back from lunch, and was walking to my desk when I came across this lady, seated at her desk. That's right, she was seated at her desk, but doing what? I'll tell you what. She was sleeping. But that's not the funny part. The funny part was how she was sleeping with her face upon her desk and her arms dangling towards the ground. I wasn't expecting someone to do that at the time, and to see her in such a vulnerable position, I couldn't help but wonder, "What did she do last night?" I think she was drooling on her desk as well. Imagine the embarrassment if she slept through lunch and when everyone else is back. Oh, the humilty! The poor thing.
I was having breakfast at a hawker centre by myself a few days ago, and I was observing my surroundings as usual. What caught my attention was this guy, seated just a few metres from me, with his legs crossed. Nowaday, I think it's getting quite common among guys, but I'll never do it. I still like my dignity as a man, and would rather not 'squish' my valuables, thanks. Anyway, this guy had his legs crossed, and you know how when they cross their legs, their pants will rise a few centimetres upwards? Yeah, instead of the pants rising a few centimetres upwards, I believe his pants was raised all the way up to his knee. Just think about that for a while, and visualise......
Now c'mon, don't you think that's a bit funny? If you still don't, think about it some more, then come back to me.
I notice here in Singapore, there a lot of people, mainly older ones, have really disfigured joints. Especially the knee area. Sometimes it's the ankle, or the hips. But mainly the knee. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I can only help you to visualise what I see. Basically, their joints have gone to a point where they are no longer working normally, ie. knees not collapsing forward and returning back to a locked position. Instead, some of them have to walk in such a way, that their knees move in a left or right direction. So they're sort of like swaying, left and right. It's really quite disturbing. And for someone like me, who hates to see people get hurt or injuried, it really makes my heart drop to see them walking like this. It makes me wonder, do they scream in pain when they walk like that? I mean, to see them walk so awkwardly, it must hurt doesn't it? You can't help but give them your sympathy for their physical structure. I think it's pretty much permanent. I feel really terrible for them.
My final 'observation' that I have discovered since coming to Singapore is how much I prefer girls without make-up. No offence to girls who do put make-up, but I find myself a lot more attracted to girls who don't put make-up. Maybe it's because I don't like how make-up makes you look 'fake' and unrealistic, but I really do prefer girls without the make-up. I find that girls without make-up have nothing to hide and are showing me who they really are. I confirmed this discovery last night when I came back from work and I saw this asian lady wearing make-up and it didn't set well with me. Not outwardly at least. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I just find them more attractive without the 'excess'.
Even Kathy Kinney (Mimi Bobeck Carey) from the Drew Carey Show looks so much better without her make-up. Sad, but true. At least I reckon so. Get my drift?
I'm not too sure when my next blog entry is, but I will try to blog when I get the chance. Most of the time, I get tired by the time I get back, and would rather relax on MSN. So stay tuned, if you can. I will try to post another entry in the not-so-near future but it will be near enough for you. Hoping you don't die tomorrow after reading this..
Just kidding. ^^
Labels: People, S'pore Adventures, Work
yes! if girls make up to the extent of being noticed by browso, they are overdoing it.
please don't make it too obvious.
if used correctly, makeup can be the difference between 'pretty' and 'stunning'.
'stunning' in which sense? The good or the bad? ;p
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