Police Academy: What an Institution

Today, they asked me to extend my contract for another 5 days because the lady who I'm actually covering doesn't actually come back till the 14th or 16th of March. So if I left on the 7th of March, they would need to either go without me for another few more days, or they would have to re-train another person to do my job for 5 days, which is really silly. And that is why they asked me to stay for another few more days. Actually, it was more an on-the-spot notice that you will be working for a few more days. They didn't give me much of a choice because both my 'bosses' were looking at me, as I tried to wiggle my way out of it. One gave goo-goo eyes, while the other 'intimidatingly' stared down at me. Being in such a miniature position, I didn't have much of a choice. Even when I said, "Do I really have a choice?" the head supervisor took it as a, "yup. You're staying" on my behalf, walking away before I could even inquire about a raise =P
I mean, after all, they need me. They need me to stay for another 5 days, so I thought I could take advantage of their vulnerability and get a pay increase, but obviously, he was very 'experienced' in this area. Knowing that I might ask him about the pay, he quickly walked away saying, "So I'll give you a letter of extension!" scattering away from the department.
I mean, after all, they need me. They need me to stay for another 5 days, so I thought I could take advantage of their vulnerability and get a pay increase, but obviously, he was very 'experienced' in this area. Knowing that I might ask him about the pay, he quickly walked away saying, "So I'll give you a letter of extension!" scattering away from the department.
That's the story of my life. No body knows that I'm around. No body. Not even my parents noticed me. One day I went to school, and when I came home... they'd move. -- Mr Cellophane of Chicago
Fortunately for me, my parents didn't move while I went to school. Although, I do remember being left at a store once when I was 3 or 4 and I didn't know whether I would be found because I was so scared. I kept circling the place until I started crying. The place was so big (well, I thought it was big), I don't think any of the staff noticed that I was alone circling the place. I still remember circling the shopping centre several times before I ended up sitting down on this 'platform', where they had placed all the dressed up model-statues, as I started to cry. Everything from then on was looking very blurry because my eyes were all watery. If I'm not mistaken, I sat in such a way that I was crying with my arms dangling to the side. So imagine this little kid, sitting on a very low platform, with his arms dangling to the side, crying. I think crying in such an adorable position would make everyone in the store who saw me feel really really sorry for me. hehe
Eventually, after an hour (I think. Hey! I was a kid. I didn't know how the time worked), my mum came running through the store, looking for me. Not entirely sure what happened after that. Maybe I got ice-cream.
Since everyone in my family members already know, I can post this here.
I went for my NS early enlistment registration this morning, to have some documents signed with my auntie saying that my enlistment is 'voluntary' because I'm not 18. And while I did that, they also told me that I would be enlisted into the Police Academy. That's right. The Police Academy. The scenario when I found out was something like this.
My auntie and I were seated behind this desk with this lady on the other side. She went on about how these were early enlistment documents, blah blah blah.
Then she said, "Do you know your date of enlistment?"
I replied, "Yeah, 10th April"
She scrolled down the document saying, "Yeeaa... Correct. You'll have to report to the Police Academy on that day. Ok, we'll need to--"
I interrupted her saying, "I'm sorry, what?"
"The Police Academy at Old Chua Chu Kang Rd." Ok, I was completely shocked and surprised when I heard this because I was enlisted into the police force. I didn't know what to say. I just turned to my auntie and gave her this very surprised look.
I think she said, "Oh ok, the police academy," giving the lady one of her friendly smiles. I turned back to lady and tried not to be too shocked and I guess I could say, dissapointed at the time, by the news. I tried to remain calm as possible without freaking because in all honesty, I was definitely not expecting the Police Force. I have always been told stuff about the army and how you will have to go overseas for training, and how massive everything is in the jungle. And when I say massive, I mean insects and other weird creatures which you don't ever wanna meet. Ants are the size of a standard mobile phone in Brunei. Imagine that.
As we processed the documents, I managed to grasp the fact that I will not be going into the army but rather, the Police Force. It was hard to realise that I would not be fulfilling our family's record of becoming army officers, because both my dad and brother are officers. So I was a bit sad, but still, I reckon becoming a Police Officer would be even more wonderful! I never considered becoming a police before. The only time I 'sorta' considered joining the police force when I watch simply too many CSI: Miami episodes and the thought of becoming a forensics officer came to my mind. Besides that, no, it's never occurred to me that joining the police force would be awesome.
Why awesome? That's because no one in our family, both on my dad and mum's sides, has ever become a Police before. Not in NS and not in life. So these 2 years will be a very very interesting experience because I will be the first ever. I really don't know what to expect really. Besides the general idea that I will be chasing criminals, controlling crowds/riots, driving around in a chick magnet, I don't know what to expect. Is it gonna be the same 'life-style' in the academy as compared to the army? Is it gonna be hard? Is it gonna be depressing? Am I gonna be tanned? All these will be answered in no time at all.
Since everyone in my family members already know, I can post this here.
I went for my NS early enlistment registration this morning, to have some documents signed with my auntie saying that my enlistment is 'voluntary' because I'm not 18. And while I did that, they also told me that I would be enlisted into the Police Academy. That's right. The Police Academy. The scenario when I found out was something like this.
My auntie and I were seated behind this desk with this lady on the other side. She went on about how these were early enlistment documents, blah blah blah.
Then she said, "Do you know your date of enlistment?"
I replied, "Yeah, 10th April"
She scrolled down the document saying, "Yeeaa... Correct. You'll have to report to the Police Academy on that day. Ok, we'll need to--"
I interrupted her saying, "I'm sorry, what?"
"The Police Academy at Old Chua Chu Kang Rd." Ok, I was completely shocked and surprised when I heard this because I was enlisted into the police force. I didn't know what to say. I just turned to my auntie and gave her this very surprised look.
I think she said, "Oh ok, the police academy," giving the lady one of her friendly smiles. I turned back to lady and tried not to be too shocked and I guess I could say, dissapointed at the time, by the news. I tried to remain calm as possible without freaking because in all honesty, I was definitely not expecting the Police Force. I have always been told stuff about the army and how you will have to go overseas for training, and how massive everything is in the jungle. And when I say massive, I mean insects and other weird creatures which you don't ever wanna meet. Ants are the size of a standard mobile phone in Brunei. Imagine that.
As we processed the documents, I managed to grasp the fact that I will not be going into the army but rather, the Police Force. It was hard to realise that I would not be fulfilling our family's record of becoming army officers, because both my dad and brother are officers. So I was a bit sad, but still, I reckon becoming a Police Officer would be even more wonderful! I never considered becoming a police before. The only time I 'sorta' considered joining the police force when I watch simply too many CSI: Miami episodes and the thought of becoming a forensics officer came to my mind. Besides that, no, it's never occurred to me that joining the police force would be awesome.
Why awesome? That's because no one in our family, both on my dad and mum's sides, has ever become a Police before. Not in NS and not in life. So these 2 years will be a very very interesting experience because I will be the first ever. I really don't know what to expect really. Besides the general idea that I will be chasing criminals, controlling crowds/riots, driving around in a chick magnet, I don't know what to expect. Is it gonna be the same 'life-style' in the academy as compared to the army? Is it gonna be hard? Is it gonna be depressing? Am I gonna be tanned? All these will be answered in no time at all.
I guess I am a little bit disappointed also by the fact that I probably won't be handling as many rifles and other miscellaneous weapons because I will probably be limited to using the hand-gun. My auntie said that I may be handling other types of weapons that people in the army don't handle like the sniper and stuff, provided I become a sniper. Or even the SWAT team, if that falls my way.
Then comes the thought of having a badge. Wow, a badge! So much better than getting those things they get in school for recognising good works, or whatever they call it. It's not important. What's important is a police badge. Oh baby.
Is there something wrong with your blog post? it sort of jumps in the middle with this random quote?
no, there's nothing wrong. It's just a random quote to let me talk about me crying as a kid.
The quote kinda jumped into my head and i thought i had to put it down =P
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