Unaccompanied Minors

It's like taking a tiny piece of caramel block, coating it with a layer of cheese cake and then dipping it in a chocolate based fudge, covering it with truffle shavings and since we're at it, we might as well put saffron in it too. We'll deep fry it in a pan of extra virgin olive oil, after which, we'll top it with a gentle blob of double whipped cream with vanilla pods and honey. Then, for presentation, we'll place it upon a caramelised based sauce patterned with evaporated condensed milk, sprinkled with a white chocolate shavings and good spoonful of Russian Salmon Caviar, imported by mafias.
Apologies for people on diets, but that's how I see the Bible. Well, not really, but you get the point.
I was reading my Bible this morning, and this verse really jumped right out at me and I thought I should share with all my few faithful readers who on occasion try to see what mischief this strange little boy is getting up to.
Proverbs 17:14. "Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam;
so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out."
I'm unsure why I should post that, but I reckon it's a really beautiful verse. As the few of you know, I don't usually quote on my blog all that much from the Bible, so for me to quote something from the Bible now, you should know that it means a lot to me. =)
If that verse helped you in some way, great. If not, just remember that I quoted that verse. Maybe one day it will come in handy! ^^
Ok! Onto something different.
I've been trying very hard to not talk about work on my blog and I reckon I'm doing good. However, I have to mention this little bit about what happened during one of the work 'excursions' that happened today. I was going to this LG model presentation as they wished to present their new models soon to launch, but that's not important.
What's important was what happened during the trip there. My boss and myself were sitting in the taxi, and we were talking about 'stuff'. Then, we happen to stumble upon how I seem to be 'used' to Singapore now.
The exacts words were, "You don't seem homesick."
I replied, "Wow, I must be doing a good job."
The truth is, I miss Australia to death. I miss the climate, I miss the relaxing atmosphere, I miss the friendliness. But out of all the things I miss, I miss all my friends back in Australia. I never knew how much I took many of you for granted till I came here. Being all by myself, it's hard to not reflect on the wonderful memories we had in the past. There wouldn't be a second when I wished I was not back there. If it was not for my National Duty, I would be resistive coming back here. I feel so much more at home back in Australia.
I say this now, I wonder if it will be the same in 2009. But that's for another day in time.
For now, I want to sincerely thank everyone who has helped me through my transition from Australia to Singapore because without your encouragement and friendliness, I don't think I would have taken this move any better than I did. As a matter of fact, I think I would still be crying in the toilet, wondering why in the world am I here. It was hard. Really. Moving away from home, away from friends, it's the hardest thing I've done by myself.
I don't want to point out any body's name because I'm pretty sure you all know who you are. ha, everyone says that. So I'll say something different. I don't want to point out any body's name because I think everyone played a part in my transition. ^^
So thank you all. Thank you everyone for being my friend in creating great memories to enjoy in this run-down world.
This is to the new friends and new experiences to come! There are always new people to meet and new friendships to enjoy! Ones that could last a life-time. Perhaps my future-wife will come knocking on my door one day. hehehehehe, come on in! =P
yay yay yay!
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