Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

If you’re reading this, it means I have chose blogging. XD
I think I’m getting used to this working life. Even though I hate every moment of it, I get to bludge on the internet as I try to look busy at the same time. Fortunately, most of the sites that I visit consist mainly of words (eg. blogs, English Premier League) with very few pictures. Somehow, they ‘censor’ most of the banners and personal photographs here so I guess it makes me look like I’m not doing anything dodgy at work. To my advantage!
Sadly, my ‘work’ actually needs me to actually ‘do’ something on the computer or telephone. So my sitting there, reading huge chunks of words doesn’t really make it look like I’m working. hehehe I hope no one notices. Otherwise someone might report me! ah! lol
On the contrary, my work place is a really nice place. Everyone is pretty kind, and my lady boss is really nice. Her desk is directly behind mine, with her seating positioning in such a way that she can see everything I do. At first, I was a bit cautious about what I did on the net, but now, I think she’s really flexible. The other ladies in the department said that she’s really quite ‘ok’ with it. Just so long as I do my work, she won’t mind. This is the kind of boss that really makes life at work so much easier. So far, she hasn’t told me off for doing random things, so I guess I’m still in the ‘clear’. However, I will usually try to work a bit more than I do slacking off. I’ve determined that if I worked non-stop from 9:00am to 6:25pm, with the exception of the one-hour lunchtime, I will die. If I remember correctly, I didn’t even work non-stop on the first day. I believe I did wonder off for a few minutes into my own little internet world. The time for my ‘wondering’ period during work increased each day. XP
Also, I knew that people used MSN at work, but I was quite surprised that the people here were looking out for me. One lady asked me during lunch, “You were using MSN right?” I was a little bit shocked at first because I had been caught! Then she concluded with, “Don’t worry. I use it too. As a matter of fact, everyone uses it. Well, everyone except [your boss], [this other lady] and [our head of department].” We had a great laugh. Then we started mocking people who seem to be so ‘innocent’ at the workplace, can be so rebellious at the same time. haha … it’s funny. Oh wait; I’m actually one of those people. … …
Another good thing, which I quite enjoy in this work environment, is how the ladies ask me questions about my family, and how many older single cousins, I have. Why, just a few minutes ago, they asked me if I had an older cousin who is from Australia within the age range 28-32. They had a whole list of ‘requirements’ for my cousins. Unfortunately, none of them matched up. lol I believe they were trying to match-make this lady in the department who happens to be one of the two only single girls left in the department. Funny if you ask me. In my opinion, the lady seems quite nice. I enjoy her sense of humour. =)
On a totally different topic, I have a confession to make. I’ve been in Singapore for about two months now, and after examining my life again, I realized that I am so much more independent now. The things I do now, going off on my own, handling my own finances, rejecting girls on the street as they ask me, “Can you spare me a minute of your time to fulfill my every desire (also known as a survey)?” It’s all very different to my mum rejecting them for me. Now, I’ve become independent to a stage where I don’t even realize that I am independent now. Taking the bus and train every day for an hour back and forth, I don’t realize that I’m doing this because everytime I do go on the bus or train, I’m thinking to myself, “How many more hours till I finish work?”
It was only a few days ago that I realized that I am very much alone now. There isn’t anyone around my age during the course of my day. Personally, I’m quite ok with that. I enjoy being on my own, reflecting.
But then I started to reflect upon the wonderful friendships I have back in Australia and how much I miss everyone there. I believe I had taken my friendships for granted. I miss everyone so dearly, having company would do me wonders.
So what I’m trying to say is, if you were in my situation, when I had wonderful friends around me (despite their irritations), don’t take them for granted. Seriously. I know I’ve said this in some of my previous posts, but I mean it now more than ever. Imagine your life without them.
Cherish every moment with them because who knows, maybe one day you’ll realize that you are all alone without friends, waiting for National Service, sucking a lolly-pop with Kenny G on the radio looking out the window watching the cars pass by as you look up to the heavens, wondering where you had placed your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Michelangelo action figure because Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello and master Splinter are waiting to conquer Gotham City.
be careful about being on the computer at work. i work at a bank in canada and they just took the internet away from the tellers and we all were told that they could track where we go. although everyone seems nice about this, you don't want to be the one they use as an example to others of what not to do.
enough of the advice. what kind of company do you work for? how long are you going to be in singapore?
i agree with what you said about friends. i think it is so true!! i don't know where i would be without them.
do you have a favourite team in the premier league? are you mad about cricket, like wes?
Hey Liverpool! Hey Liverpooooll! Hey Lllivvveeerrrrpppoooolll!!!!!
Yeah, i guess i'll never know abt the internet tracking thingy. I do know that the admin of all the computers here can hack and control your PC at any time. He did it for me so I could get the internet. it was freaky though.. My mouse was moving and he was typing something into the system. It looked something like 'HollowMan' where everything moves w/out anyone there. haha
I actually work for a company that manages Landscapes, Insurance, Purchasing and lots of others which I have no idea exists cause it's so big!!! All i do is assist certain 'sites' into getting quotations for certain miscellaneous jobs, eg. Lift maintenance.
The job is pretty dull because the companies I call for quotes can be quite lazy at times..
I'm here in s'pore to fulfill my National Service (NS) as a singaporean. So Im here to join the army! XD The standard length for NS is 2 years. So i'll be here till 2009.
uncle wesley would have been perfect!
"Why, just a few minutes ago, they asked me if I had an older cousin who is from Australia within the age range 28-32."
BOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!! Hallo! I fit that profile. Quick! Send a picture of the single ladies to me!!!!
*mumbles repeatedly*
I'm not desperate. I'm not desperate
--> Oh, and I'd also advise not to write about your work place on the blog... I mean it's fine to write about what you do there, and the day to day stuff, but you probably shouldn't identify them too much, like you did in the comment above...
take care, Mr. Independent! lol.
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