I'm sitting here, in front of an empty blog entry, wondering what to blog about. I never thought I'd live to see the day when this would happen. Usually, there's always something for me to blog about. But now, after telling myself that complaining about work on my blog is unacceptable, I've found myself stumped as to what I could blog about.
So this blog entry is gonna take a lot of effort. This blog entry will not consist of what I do at work and also, this blog entry will not consist of what I do to get to work, ie. what I do on the bus or train.
[One Night Later...]
haha, yeah. I had to sleep on it. Sad.
But now, I have something to blog about!
We all have something to learn about ourselves every now and then. If any of my 'faithful' readers have noticed, I usually point out a lot of things which I discover about myself each time. Mostly the general ones which I can post of course.
Anyway, I've been talking to quite a few people on MSN, and they've said that I tend to shower pretty quickly. haha, yeah, I'll elaborate more a little later. What I'm trying to lead up to is, I'm gonna just randomly blog on things which I tend to do quickly and things which I tend to do slowly. On purpose or not, it doesn't matter. It's just what I do naturally.
Things I do quickly:
1) Shower - My standard showers are 4-5 minutes in a tropical climate. I think if I'm in a cooler climate, my warm showers can go for a few minutes longer. Perhaps 7-8 minutes, but not more than 10 minutes. I don't see the point of staying in there wasting water (unless it's nice and warm and it's mean and cold outside. but that hardly happens ;p ) when I'm already finished showering. Plus, there's more that I can do outside the shower than if I'm in there, standing like a featherless chicken.
My current record for the fastest shower is 1 minute. I was 12 or 13 and we were in Myanmar. The water heater there sucks, so I decided I was gonna just shower quickly with the cold water. Obviously, I was quick to complete all the standard 'showering-tasks' in under a short period of one minute. Even though it was a shower, the Myanmar water was just as dirty as when I went in, so I could have came out of the shower worse off. Still, a shower nonetheless.
2) Eat - People have told me that I eat like someone trying to catch the train. In some cases, it was true, especially here in Singapore. It's not like I do it on purpose, but I do it naturally. I'll gobble everything down without a care for the world. The only downside to eating so quickly, is that I have to control myself when I'm starving and we've just entered an-all-you-can-eat buffet. Usually, when I eat too quickly, I'll fill up very quickly, seeing that the stomach has no chance to 'organise' the food coming in. =P
I picture my stomach sorting the food that enters like a game of Tetris. If the food-blocks come in too fast, the player-stomach will die without scoring digestion-points for placing all the food-blocks in nice horizontal lines.
3) Type - It took lots of practice. I first started really typing on the computer when I was in Sec 1, or Year 8. My history teacher made us underline chunks of text from different parts of our history book, and also, they were not in chronological order. What he told us to underline was basically the answers to the history exam. But that's not cool man. He'd usually give us at least 10, if not more, different history 'essays' (from all the underlining), and told us that we only had to write 3 of 5 given essays in the exam. So I went home each time, retyping up all the answers to the questions. Normally, one question would be 3-4 pages long. So imagine someone like me, in Sec1/Year 8, trying to memorise lots of words. ><" I hated history.
Anyway, that was how I learnt to touch type. The speed typing part came later after lots of MSN. lol Being able to speed type really is a good way to blog because everything that comes to your head will quite easily be typed down in a short amount of time; before you start forgetting what you wanted to say. =P But I usually forget anyway, so it really makes no difference.
4) Sleep - Boy, am I glad I sleep fast. I know what is it like to have to toss and turn on my bed for an hour. Man does it suck. I know many people take a while to sleep, and I really have a lot of sympathy for them. But for me, I think on average, it takes me around a minute to gonk out. And I'm really grateful that I do turn off like a light so quickly.
My main 'skill', if you can call it a skill, is to refrain from thinking as I try to sleep. Thinking is the worse thing to do as you try to sleep. I think what I usually do as I try to sleep, is to find a comfortable sleeping position quickly (most often it's on my back), then concentrate on the tiredness of my back, and dwell on the thought of 'sleeping on it'. Oh baby, is it good! And of course, you can't think about the girl who winked at you on the train that day. Or, at least try not to.
Things I do slowly:
1) Read - Whether you know it or not, I read slowly. Not because I have to, but because if I don't, I won't understand what's happening. I can simply 'read' all the words, but whether it makes sense to me or not, that's a different thing. That's why I have to read things slowly, and make sure it makes sense. I'm one to understand the concept of things. I don't really like 'memorising' things. So I tend to make sure I understand everything that has been said so I could use it for my own 'translation'.
Same with reading. I enjoy reading. But it will take time. If someone pressures me to read something, it will take even longer. ><" Don't pressure me to blog already! I have to re-read! lol
2) Brushteeth - I usually take a long time to brush. I'd say around 3-4 minutes. I take a long time because I have to make sure I get all my teeth. I won't feel very happy if I didn't touch them all. I reckon I would brush again if I didn't get them all. It just doesn't settle with me.
Then comes flossing.. but we won't go into that.
I can't think of another thing that I do slowly. Maybe because I do things pretty quickly on the whole. Kat told me (hehehe, there you go kat! ^^) that, "I'm a pretty hasty guy."
I think that is pretty true. Overall, I know I do things pretty quickly. Well, I can't blame myself for being so quick at things. Even my name means 'swiftness'.
That's me! ^^
Labels: Profile
hahahaha, well.. in s'pore, it's the other way round.
The ladies want a photo of you!
LOL! I tried to offer them a pic of you behind a camera, but they dont' seem very excited by it. haha
Did i mention that all the available girls are nice and slim, and have quite attractive facial profiles? maybe that will inspire you a little bit more. hehe
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