
I found this so amusing when I went for one of my daily toilet breaks today. I did my usual trip and when I was in the process of washing my hands, I spotted this plastic folder in one of the cubical up above swinging back and forth. Not having a clue what that folder was doing there, I observed a bit more intently. Soon, I notice this ‘mist’ emerging from the cubical. I thought someone was spraying something to deodorize the ‘strong aroma’.
“Very strange to do something like that,” I thought to myself, “Surely it’s not for that purpose.” I mean, why in the world would someone spray something and wanna have it blown away with a folder? Doesn’t make sense. Not in a cubical at least.
I prolonged my hand-washing routine just to have a longer look at the ‘mist’ rising out from the cubical. What I saw later was something I did not expect because I was in the company toilet.
I noticed a hand in the corner of the cubical wall holding a cigarette and along with it, was the folder swaying back and forth, trying to blow the smoke out of the cubical. It was so funny seeing a guy trying to smoke during office hours but can’t leave the office floor. So he resorts to smoking in the toilet cubical as he attempts to diffuse the smoke throughout the toilet. Haha I mean seriously, how often do you see people smoking in the company toilet cubical using a folder trying to blow the smoke away? Maybe it happens a lot in the working world, but it was a first and probably for some of you who are reading this.
Alrighty. Time for something different.
On the 28th February, I’m going on a cruise! I know I didn’t speak much of it in my blog because I didn’t want to talk highly of it so far away from the actual cruise itself. But now that we’re getting nearer to the departure date, I think I can start ranting a bit more on the cruise because that’s all I’m focusing on now as I try to endure the mundane life of working.
The cruise is a three day two night cruise to Malaysia. Despite heading to Malaysia, most of our trip will be spent onboard the ship so I will be roaming the ship, trying not to get into too much mischief. hehe, try.
Today at work, I decided that I would wander around the website for the cruise to have a good look at the ship’s specifics.
It’s a 13 deck ship with the most expensive room on the ship at roughly $2,500 per person. It includes an in-room Jacuzzi and a balcony. I think the fact that you either have to be ‘given’ this room as a gift from someone or that you are a stinking rich millionaire speaks enough for this room and there need not be more said about it.
We’ve gotten the cheapest room, which is just $300 per person. It’s actually a special-rate room because we booked our ticket 60 days in advance. A very standard room but it looks awesome nonetheless. Here are some pictures of the different rooms on the ship. I hope all this is legal =S If not, in a few weeks time, I don’t think this blog will exist any longer, along with the person who writes these entries.

Junior Suite with Balcony

Oceanview Stateroom with Balcony
Oceanview Stateroom with Window
Oceanview Stateroom with Porthole

Inside Stateroom
I believe this is the room that we’re gonna get; the Inside Stateroom. Despite it being the cheapest, I think it's still good because we won’t be spending most of our time in the rooms anyway. There are plenty of things to do aboard the ship so I will only be going into the rooms to sleep or to retrieve any of my stuff. In the ship, they offer a wide range of activities like The Picture House (Cinema), The Lido (showroom), Oasis (Games), Aquaswim (jet current exercise pool) (Gonna try this for sure!), The Library (books and internet) and my favourite, Mediterranean Buffet and Terrace. The word ‘buffet’ appeals to me at all times. Regardless of nationality, it usually will.
I’m gonna bring in a bit of cash to spend on myself because this will be the last time in two years that I will be able to enjoy myself so recklessly. I just hope that it won’t be too awfully expensive onboard; otherwise it won’t be all that fun anymore.
And so the countdown begins. I’ve been counting down the days till work finishes and now that the date of the cruise approaches as well, there’s even more to look forward to! People tell me that the ship will seem like it’s not moving at all because it sails pretty slowly. I guess that’s ok because I wanna spend more time exploring the ship. I just hope the countdown won’t pass by too slowly! I don’t want to explore the working world! I’d rather have it over and done with. I love being a temp.
Labels: Holidays, S'pore Adventures, Work
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