Fun With Dick And Jane

People are telling me to 'hang on in there'. There's only a few more days till it's all over. And that's exactly what I'm doing. It's just like doing a freestyle lap in the pool. You feel like quitting as you approach the remaining 10 metres, but you mustn't. To quit is to fail. Hold on to whatever energy you have left, and press on. At the end, the reward is satisfying.
I'm taking everything at work on the shoulder now. Only a few more days left. I'm not giving a care of how people treat me. If you wanna scold me, go right ahead. I don't mind. Just do it. All I know, is that in a few weeks time, I'm gone.
Everytime my boss wants to make a fool out of me, I just let it slide. It's not like I have to have this personal relationship with her. Sure, it's fun to work when everything is going smoothly. But when everything goes wrong, and things start to pile up, everyone is stressed. Just don't direct that stress on me.
That's the kind of policy I'm taking now at work. Do what you want. I simply don't care. All I'm looking forward to is the cruise and the day I finish working!
Oh dear. I don't know how I'm gonna fare when I actually do start working! If I work in a place where I really have no interest in, I have a feeling I'm gonna whine and complain the same way I'm doing now. Fortunately, I never do any of that on this blog. Sorta.
At the moment, there isn't anything really 'exciting' going on. Besides how I got a haircut today, everything is pretty much repetitive. It's all about how I go for toilet breaks at work every now and then. And if I'm not going to the toilet, I'll be going to the pantry to grab a cup of water just so I could go to the toilet. And it's all about me restraining myself from wanting to dump my cup of water all over the 'open' photocopier machine everytime I pass by it from the pantry. And sometimes, it's all about having the integrity to not wash my hands multiple times, just so I could use the hand-drier. It's not like it's my fault that I want the day to pass by. Everything is just so repetitively boring.
But since it's so very repetitive, I might as well tell whoever reads this how repetitive everything is, since I haven't done so in the past. This is what I do on a day to day basis each morning as I go to work.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
07:00 - Wake up
07:40 - Leave house
07:45 - Have breakie at hawker centre
08:00 - Hope to be at the MRT station
08:25 - Hope to be at the bus station
08:45 - Hope to be at work
09:00 - Hope to start work/Hopefully still reading internet
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Work
18:25 - Leave work
18:30 - Hope to be at the bus station
18:45 - Hope to be at the MRT station
19:05 - Hope to be off the train
19:10 - Hope to reach back
20:00 - Jump on the comp
22:00 - Prepare for bed
22:30 - Knocked out
Wednesday & Saturday
The only difference on Wednesday is that I go swimming in the morning. And it goes something like this.
06:00 - Wake up
06:30 - Hit the pool
07:10 - Get out of the pool
07:15 - Buy breakie (usually roti prata)
08:00 - Pray that I'm at the MRT station (extremely unlikely)
09:00 - Work
Saturday is somewhat similar. Only if I'm not working that Saturday, my schedule will be less hectic.
All this does not include me going for band practice for church, but I won't post that because it'll get way too boring. hehe
I'll retell something that happened 2 days ago. It's nothing very 'amazing'. It's just a story to fill up the blog post. Since, I have nothing else better to blog about.
The other day, I asked my friend from Australia, Andy, how to transfer songs from my iPod to my laptop. Seeing that I was travelling around with my iPod all the time, and not having a 'base' for my iPod to work with, it was really dangerous that all my songs were on this little thing travelling around in my pocket. So I managed to get the program to download my iPod songs onto my laptop. Who would have thought that my transferring the songs that day would have been a smart thing to do (seeing that I've gone without an iPod 'base' for about 2 months now, I reckon it was about time I had it in a hard-drive).
What happened was, just a few days later, my iPod battery had died out, and I had to recharge it at work. I plugged it in, and recharged it, as usual. I've done this at work 2 times already, so I wasn't expecting anything different.
Well, the obvious happened. When it finished recharging, I unplugged it (after clicking "Safely Remove USB Mass Storage Device" of course! Never pull it out without clicking it! No no no) and scrolled the iPod screen down to "Shuffle Songs". I clicked it, and nothing happened. I clicked it again, and still nothing happened.
I wondered, "Oi! Don't tell me the centre button is stuffed up! Impossible."
I scrolled back to the "Music" selection, and clicked it. It worked. I clicked it again, and went into "Artists" and it was there that I discovered that beyond that, everything was completely blank!
I wondered, "Oi! Don't tell me the centre button is stuffed up! Impossible."
I scrolled back to the "Music" selection, and clicked it. It worked. I clicked it again, and went into "Artists" and it was there that I discovered that beyond that, everything was completely blank!
"Waahhh!!!!" I cried in my head, "How am I gonna survive at work for another 7.5 hours without my music!!?!" Before I knew it, it was time to go home.
The point is, I was really glad that I backed up my iPod on the computer, otherwise I will be crying myself to sleep each night, just longing to have some sorta noise as I doze off. So the moral of the story is, don't pray pray (play play) with your songs. Make sure you store it before something like this happens to you!
Just a quick note before I finish off. I was really surprised to find this article in They explain a lot about the 'Singlish' language and all the weird slangs. If you have time, just have a look, and be amused at the same time. I have no doubt that the person who provided the examples in the article has some really close connection to the Singlish world, if he is not Singlish himself. lol They are really standard examples actually. Amusing to say the least.
Labels: S'pore Adventures, Work
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