Journey To The Center Of The Earth (Part 4)

I dunno why this one was blurry. I think I was shaking too much from all the food from dinner. lol You know, all the food wanting to push its way out of my stomach, so there was a lot of force happening down under.
We had actually docked in Malacca that afternoon at 2pm, but I forgot to mention it. Around lunchtime, the ship started to vibrate considerably hard. All I thought in my mind during that time was, "watch the staff. If they panic, I panic." I watched every single one of them, but none of them seemed to react when it started shaking. So I just calmly returned to carving my lamb.
What actually happened was (and this was what my grandma told me) that the ship was actually 'pulling into' the dock sideways. So it was actually moving sideways to properly align itself with the dock in Malacca. Not sure if that is true because I didn't actually see it for myself. But that's the best explanation I have now, so I'm sticking with it.
The night sky was actually much darker than it looks in the picture above. The camera must have brightened up the picture quite a bit, and I thought the picture came out quite clear. I also have to comment that these glass panels along the sides of the ship was really a nice idea. It prevents people from getting thrown overboard, but it also allows people to take pictures through the panels. Plus, it makes great pictures when some amateur photographer like myself take shots like these.
Sadly, this was the best sunset picture I could take during the trip. There were too many clouds that day, I couldn't get very good shots at the sun. So this will have to do.
After having taking all these evening photos, I headed off to the arcade again to kill time. The movie was at 9:00pm, and I think it was 8pm when we went back in. I think I really had too much fun at the arcade shooting animated figures that I had to do it again.
I went in, and bought myself another 20 tokens to play with. You know, going into the arcade all alone, playing with tokens by yourself, one would think it would be fun to be able to do that. Strangely, it wasn't satisfying. It just wasn't much fun shooting people by yourself. I even contemplated putting in 4 tokens for one particular game, just so I could have two guns shooting at the same time - like how they do it in the movies where the main character raids through the enemy's base with two pistols, shooting at all the bad guys without getting hit; except I could have played with two rifles.
However, I didn't need to do that. This time, I saw someone playing Time Crisis and I decided to make it really obvious that I wanted to play with him. Actually, I just asked him if I could play with him, but he said, "Oh, I'm playing solo. Maybe next game." When he said that, I just stood behind him and watched him as he got shot. And every time he got shot, I couldn't help but be glad. So I hoped that he could get shot some more so I could play. lol I seriously did. In my mind, I was like, "Die! Die! Die! Yay! ^^"
After a few minutes, I got tired of waiting for him so I decided to play by myself. I went to get another 20 tokens in case I ran out while I was playing and had 2 tokens slotted in. When the screen came up to choose whether to play solo or linked. I was surprised cause he told me it was solo. So I chose linked, and I joined his game. As I did, he died.
He quickly ran off, and went to grab more coins. We continued playing, until he eventually died too many times that he ran out of coins. I asked him to take my coins to continue, but he said that he played too much and is tired. So I had to play solo again. Nevertheless, I completed the entire game and was satisfied with my victory over the final boss XD
I had 20 tokens left over after winning the game, and realised that I didn't actually need to get those extra 20 tokens. "Oh well, I'll just waste a bit of it on this airplane game that costs 6 tokens." I think the main reason why it costs to much was because the seat actually moved left and right whenever you fly the plane. Other than that, the game was crap and I didn't last 5 minutes.
I thought the game was a complete rip off. Unhappy, I left the arcade to go to the cinema. In actual fact, the newsletter for the cruise stated that the show at 9pm was the Breakup, and in all honesty, I wanted to go see that. When I got to the cinema, they were showing the Da Vinci Code. Something I didn't actually want to watch. But it was too late now. I had opened the door to the cinema, and everyone was looking at me. I had to go in. "Oh well, let's just watch it for fun." I thought to myself.
It finished at 11:15pm and by then, I was pretty beat. I went to the gym, aqua pool, parthenon pool, jacuzzi, then climbed 10 decks for fun and for exploration sake that day, I was entitled to being tired. Out of my entire body, my chest was taking the most beating. So I decided to just take it easy and go back to the room to prepare to sleep.
When I got back, I stumbled upon a Malaysian TV channel that was broadcasting wrestling. WWE Smackdown! to be more exact. They were showing one episode 2 weeks back, so I kinda knew what was gonna happen. Not too exciting. Nevertheless, it was great to watch people mercilessly pound each other like a piece of meat. It has been a while since I last seen it happen in action. Awesome stuff.
It finished at 12am, and I decided to just surf the TV a little bit more. It flicked to Miss Congeniality 2. That went for 15 minutes as I got tired and had it turned off. Then, it was pitch black.
To be continued...
This is me doing the sexy.
Labels: Holidays, Travelling
a) Stephen Hawking has a voice synthesiser, so he can't technically talk, let alone scream!
b) Did you watch The Davinci Code twice, or am I just getting mixed up? I'm sure you already wrote about it.
c) Your photos are blurry because in night time photography, the shutter (or 'eye') of the camera opens for longer. If you move it in that period, things will blur. You really need a tripod to keep the camera steady.
a) I do know that. X)
b) The first time i talked abt the da vinci code was about how I managed to watch it for the first time during the cruise.
"Also, roughly half-way down the corridor on the left is the Picture House where they would feature different movies like Mission Impossible III, Cars, The Breakup, The Da Vinci Code, and a few others. I managed to watch the Da Vinci Code for the first time, and I thought it was 'amusing entertainment'. I didn't think much of the show and just took it as another movie. You would be foolish if you thought any of what they said was real." From Part 2
c) That explains why takes so long for the pictures to appear on the camera screen. I can't afford a tripod =(
How did you take photos through the window? It turned out pretty clear and didnt have any reflection?
When i was in Thailand I wanted to take a photo out of my hotel room window of the night life of Bangkok, but what i got was reflection and blur! =(
Maybe the windows were dirty or something, but in the morning a took a photo of Bangkok out of the same window, and it turned out ok :S
I didn't use flash. lol
Also note that the picture is at an angle and not perpendicular to the glass. That eliminates your reflection. You can see that most of my close up shots are at an angels. XP
If you press the camera lens right up against the window, it will also remove reflection.
A small tripod for a small camera like yours - $5-$10 AUS... so would be even cheaper in S'pore!
My tripod for my DSLR = £99 = $246AUS!!!!
ahaha, so expensive!!
lol.. nah it's ok. I'm not totally into this photography thing anyway. Just for trips and stuff. =)
Unless someone wants to give it to me. ^^ =P
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