Major Payne

The parade itself is on the 3rd of June which means they have just 2 weeks to make sure we are all prepared and ready.
From what I understand, there will be 3 sections to the demonstration from our side. Our side being the Home Team Academy.
There's the Unarmed, T-Baton and Contingency displays.
Unarmed and T-Baton, all of us in the 'Team' will have to perform, but for the Contingency one, only a few selected 'Players' will be doing it. To be totally honest, I wanted to do the Contingency display but I guess I was a bit 'greedy' in the process XP
You see, there are several 'displays' in this section and when I watched people volunteer themselves for these displays that seemed rather unimpressive and 'unsatisfying', I continued to wait for one display that would impress the daylights out of me. That display came when the police officer had to do a T-Baton Power draw followed by a T-Baton arm lock then followed by the handcuffing of the assailant. I so wanted to do it but when they asked for 4 police officers to volunteer, I was beaten to the sign up sheet before I even had a chance to get up from where I was seated. And before I knew it, they had told us that that was all the Contingency moves they were gonna do. It was shattering because I actually wanted to do one, but I was too late.
Anyway, what's past is past. There's no changing what happened. All I can hope to do now, is to somehow convince the instructors that I capable of doing better than those guys in the Contingency group XP Then I'll be happy. haha
Besides that, not too much has been happening. Seriously, we wake up at 5:30am each morning, work work work till 9:30pm each night, by the time I crash into my bed, it's like 10pm and during that time, I try to gather myself before I go to bed.
It's pretty much very routine like but in the process, the fear that any instructors wandering the streets could stop us at any time and have us pumped.
Like there was this one time, it was sometime after 7pm - we were heading off to our dojo class for the parade thing, and as usual, our squad sucks so much that just 3 or 4 of them would choose that it would be a beautiful day to do whatever they wanted. So they would sloppily march as they would and at the same time, chit-chat and turn their heads to any direction they wished.
Wonderfully, we were spotted by one of the most lunatic instructors around - I believe he is also serving his NS as I will explain later below. He immediately shouted that our squad stop.
"Bahen-ti! Squad to your left on your palms down! ... Diamond Power Push-Up Change!"
"ZERO! Start from Zero! Up!"
"ZERO! Start from Zero! Up!"
We did so many that I lost count of how many we did because half way, he said "Gentleman! I don't want you to count anymore! But every time you go up, I want to hear a clap! Up!"
We went up but as we did, some blur guys decided to shout out "1!"
At this time, many of us had already lost so much strength. Many of them could no longer leap off the ground. Only the few of us would actually continue. Shortly after, the instructor shouted for us to get back onto our feet.
"On your feets up! To your right on your palms down!"
By now, my entire face and arms were covered in large volumes of sweat as it was trickling down my forehead and off my peak cap visor like a leaky faucet. I decided that I would make a puddle with my sweat and 'aimed' to cover up any 'dry concrete' where my sweat had dropped already.
"Power Push Up Change!"
"Everyone on your feets up!" He began his lecture for why he stopped us and explained his actions for pumping us. As he was doing so, he caught one of our squad mates for smiling and boy was that one of the worse things to do at this time.
"Oi! You! What the
"What was so
"No sir, I was--"
"What do you take me for!? I am your
"Ya lah!"
Anyway, just to cut a very long and painful story short because it stimulates too many unpleasant memories, we were pumped even harder because of that guy, and the instructor actually forced him to call our "Down" for us.
After this experience, I thought we actually needed more instructors like him because he enforces good discipline for lazy trainees like that guy who smiled. To be honest, that guy who smiled is one of the guys who really can't be bothered marching with the rest of the squad so it's good that we got pumped because of him. Hope it affected him somehow.
But after what happened later that Thursday night with that instructor really made me think that that instructor is really one whacked up nut case.
On Wednesday onwards, I was battling a nasty flu. My nose was like another open faucet. Seriously, it was so annoying! So that Thursday night, I didn't feel strong enough to join the others in the Parade training, so I sat out. It just so happen that that instructor was there too.
I sat there, minding my own business, drinking my water bottle when that instructor suddenly stood a metre in front of me staring at me. I didn't realise he was staring at me until a few seconds later when I noticed that there was no one behind me. I looked at him in the eye and was in complete confusion because I had absolutely no idea what I had done 'wrong'. I wasn't slouching or stretching out my leg in any way. I was sitting perfectly normal on the floor with my legs crossed as all trainees should be seated. Staring at him for around 30 seconds or so, I tried to figure out why in the world he was looking at me!
It seemed like it would never end. Those two lunatic eyes staring at me, anything can happen. That was when he questioned me with the sniffing of his nose. I immediately broke out an 'Ooh!"
In case I am not clear enough, he wanted to know why I was sniffing for. At that time, I thought it was perfectly clear that I was not feeling well and had contracted some sort of a flu. But after thinking about it, I think he thought I missed home or was handling some sort of break up or something. Now to think about it, it was hilarious!
However, what made me deem him insane was when I saw him, for no reason whatsoever, show his middle finger to one of the trainees. Seriously, there has got to be a line of decency to other people. Despite being a rank higher than us, there should at least be some sort of respect for one another. I find him a disgrace when he does things like this.
Sure, he can pump us. Sure, he can swear at us. Sure, he can stare at me for some absurd reason, but to have such degrading respect for another human being - that I can't accept. It throws me off if there isn't a line of respect for someone else because if he can't respect his subordinates, then I can't imagine what it would be like to be his partner. I imagine it would be hell for her. If not in the beginning, then sometime down the road when they have gotten settled with one another. The poor thing.
At least we'll only face him for a maximum of 2 years. Phew.
I'm so boredddd mister.
School's fun! NoT~ hahahaha...
Well, it's alright.
i can't wait to go back SG...
Unfortunately, not anytime soon.
My mum n bro's coming tho ^-^
All good fer ya?
i want to watch that movie! xD
hope all is okay there and take care ;)
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