Life Is Beautiful

I am quite capable of just leaving the country any time today because I am not bound to the Singaporean government just yet.
People ask me what am I gonna do before I go in and my standard responses are usually, "Relax", "Have a life" and "Sleep". Three things which will probably be taken from me from tomorrow onwards.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I don't know what to expect. All that I've been hearing since I came here was about how the army life is and how you will be treated with very little respect or something.
But now that I'm in the Police Academy, I don't know what to expect. Are we gonna be treated like maggots? Or will we be respected with high honours for being law enforcers?
In the army, they will force you to do things you normally wouldn't do - for one, you will have to run 10kms. Normally, I wouldn't do anything like that. But I'm not sure whether they will ask us to run that much in the academy or not. I mean, do we really need to run 10kms in Singapore? Singapore is so small. Just take a car and drive. If we did a 10km driving marathon, sure, I'll love to. Or better still! A 10km car chase down Singapore! WhooO!
In the army, they have to march from one point to another. In the police, we still have to do march. Why? I really don't know. What is the point in marching if we aren't gonna 'march' in a group to catch criminals. Perhaps this exercise is for discipline? I really don't know.
In the army, they have to do exercises that would usually involve carrying casualities. With these casualities, they have to run back some good distance. Like my dad told us he had to do a raid at night as they carried the casualities back 10km while running with all their equipments. He said that was one of the hardest exercises he ever did. Not too sure what we have to do in the Police involving casualities. Maybe just call for the ambulance and perform CPR?
In the army, everyone usually goes into the lecture hall to sleep because they're too tired. My bro did and I believe my dad did as well. If I sleep in the lecture hall, I think I will miss out on a lot of notes because half our training is studying. ><" It's like back to school for me. I think I'll have to try to pay attention this time. XP
In the army, they sing songs when they march together. My brother recorded all the army songs for me just so it would be easier for me when I went into the army. Only problem was that I wouldn't be going into the army. I would have appreciated the lyrics for the marching songs but I don't know if they will do it in the PA. Some of the marching songs are pretty funny. Maybe if my brother was happy to share, he will post them in his blog.
Tim was talking to me the other day about this police thing, and he said that as the day approaches, I will start to feel the affects of anxiety of the police life. At this point, I am still pretty happy and sad to be going in. But I also have to admit that the anxiety is starting to build. Not much, but it is building.
Just to imagine a completely different life style, where I have to 'do' things. Unlike when I was working, I actually have to know what I am doing here. And this time, I wanna try. I wanna try to be the best. I have to try.
There were talks about how the Police force is for all the 'not needed' ones, or the 'young ones' or I don't know what. I don't know whether that is true or not. But to think about my age, I don't know if there will be people around my age or will they all be older than me again; just like when I was in school where everyone in the year level is one year older than me. But then again, I really have no problem hanging out with the older people. I find it easier to 'communicate' with them than with younger ones. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'll have to wait till tomorrow and all of you will have to wait till the 21st! hehehe! I will try my best to try to blog on the 21st. It might be a mighty long blog post, so please be patient. But I promise to blog when I get out from the first confinement. I will try to blog on whatever I can blog about without breaking too many laws. lol
When I was younger, like 9 or 10, I remember thinking about how it would be like in the army. I thought about camping out in my tent in the middle of the night with the bright moon shining through the entrance of the tent and into my eyes. I remember how everything would be quiet and how I would be in one of those camouflage clothes with my rifle next to me as I slept in case the 'enemy' attacked.
Funny story that. My dad told us stories about how you have to sleep with your rifle and treat it like a woman because if you lose your rifle, you will have to serve punishment for 7 years. They would take your rifle from you in the middle of the night if you're not careful, so I had that picture in my head as I thought about the army life.
Then, I pictured myself buff and strikingly handsome at 18, but I better not go into too much detail because there could be disappointment. lol
It's strange how things turn out. When you think you have something completely planned out for your life, God has something different. I would never have thought I would get into the police force. It was something I definitely did not think about doing. Not until I found out that that would be where I was gonna be enlisted to.
A lot of people envy how I managed to get into the Police Force and I'm really happy that I did. It is something I really cherish now because the intensity of the training shouldn't be so extreme. I just say that it's a blessing from God. A blessing to an unasked prayer. LoL! Just like the DVD player I got. Still liking the DVD player.
haha! I'll tell you guys something I did with the DVD player. I'm pretty sure this is totally illegal but hey! I'm in the police force. As far as you guys know, I didn't say this.
[Disclaimer: Everything said beyond this point is not so much the opposite of untrue but the opposite of that and it is most definitely not correct when said that it was not said by Boaz Ang]
Here in Singapore, I discovered that there was such a thing called "DVD Region Codes". Basically, different countries/regions have different region codes from 1 to 8. For example, the DVD Region Code for the US is 1 and Australia is 4.
So basically, the Americans will watch region code DVD number 1 in their region code DVD player number 1. And that way, it prevents certain countries from watching shows with different release dates or if they have certain restrictions on the DVDs.
Anyway, the Frasier DVDs I have are of Australian DVD codes, ie. 4. Whereas with Singapore, the region code is 3. Which meant the DVD player I got was a number 3 region code.
That night, I discovered that there existed a thing called Region Codes. It was devastating to discover I couldn't watch my Frasier episodes.
That was, until I found them hacks. ^^ hehehe, I managed to find this site where they had all sorts of hacking methods to change the region codes and what I've learnt, is that region code '0' allows you to play all the region codes. So I've set the DVD player at '0' so we can watch both the Singaporean DVDs and the Australian. hehehe So smart. XP
Well, this is it. The end of the road for a while.
The next blog entry will be when I return. Hopefully dated on the 21st April, 2007. Hopefully still alive and sane.
New adventures and stories to tell in days to come! For now, any emails or messages will be appreciated! ^^ Email me for my contact if you want to reach me in the academy before the end of this day and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Till next time guys! Keep me in your prayers! =D
Cheers mate!
Labels: Army, Miscellaneous, Police
Good luck in the PA!! Dont worry too much abt it! U will realise it's unfounded worries. Ppl I know in there say it's ok! :) LOL I dont think I flew ahead of u in the pool... haha u make me to be so much faster than I am.. hehe. Take care n keep in touch :)
both you and wes have great new photos on your blogs! you have cut your hair though! hahaha
i will keep you in my prayers but i'm sure you will have a great time in the police academy and i'm sure you will learn lots of new things!!
2 years will go faster than you know!!
awww... Thanks heaps!
And yess ^^ You'll do exceptionally well in army.
Trust me!
>0< kampateii!
p.s. drinks heaps of water b4 you die of dehydration in HOT HOT Singapore... LOL
1) Region codes are disabled in pretty much every DVD player in Australia. Stores do it generally nowadays... that's one good thing about Aus!
2) Singapore having NS is sort of ironic. If it ever were to be attacked, the country would crumble so quickly due to it's small size. Seriously, another country could conquer it quite easily nowadays.
3) Have fun in the Police Academy. I hope it is like the movie. hahahahaha.
1. You might have to run 10km to catch a thief.
2. Your buddy might have been shot in an abandoned district with no way to call an ambulance or backup. So you'll have to carry him.
3. The army songs might be funny, but it loses it's humour if you don't know the tune. That's why i never posted the songs up even though i want to.
4. I was the one who told you about how you have to sleep with your rifle and treat it like a woman because if you lose your rifle, you will have to serve punishment for 7 years. Not Dad...
5. "I pictured myself buff and strikingly handsome at 18" - Been there, done that.
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