See Spot Run

But this one. This one song sung by them has caught me. I don't really care if you guys hate this song or don't really care much for it, because I love it. It's up there as one of my favourites. Very few songs that I listen to really makes me wanna listen to it over and over again and still make me wanna listen to it some more without me getting sick of it. I could picture myself driving some deserted road for a couple of hours listening to this music looping over and over again and still enjoy every minute of it. hahaha, yeah, I could. But I don't wanna get sick of this song so I won't. Must listen in moderation! =D
I looked up the translation for the lyrics and even though I don't really like what they're saying, I still like it only because of the melody and the singing. The Italian words sound nice, but when translated, it sounds gay. So I'd just stick to the Italian version and try not to think about what they're saying. hehe
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the song too because I do. I've chosen not to auto-play it when you guys come on because it can get annoying when somebody else's music start playing when you go into their website. So I'll leave it to you guys. Just click the play button and have a good listen. Terribly sorry for those on dial up. If you wait a while, you could allow it to load then play it at one go. Believe me, if you don't mind classical music with 'proper singing', it's worth the wait XP
Well, I've decided to blog again because after tomorrow, I won't be blogging for a good 10 days so here I am again, blogging. About what? I dunno. Let's see what we can squeeze out of this big head of mine.
Today was the last Sunday I would play for the church band in a while. I've decided to take a few months break from the band because I need the break to 'recuperate'. So in the mean time, I'm just gonna focus on the police and recover whenever I come out during the weekends. Sounds like a good plan to me.
I also went swimming today after returning back from a long day at church and going out. Usually if I have to play for Sunday, I'll have to get up at 6:30am and get ready to leave the house by 7:15am or so because I have to go outside to have breakfast. So by the time I came back today, it was 6:30pm. From there, I went straight to the pool. But it was a mistake.
Firstly, there were too many people there. At 6:45pm, I thought many people would have gone home to have dinner or something. It was a fatal mistake because there were at least a few hundred people running around the entire complex and at least fifty people in the competition pool. I definitely couldn't swim properly because there were too many people in one lane! I couldn't be bothered anyway. Been a long day. So I just did several laps. I tried out more freestyle laps and more butterfly laps. Then after that, I attempted to tread water because my friend in church told me that he had to do that in the Academy for thirty minutes or so. Not too sure if they still do it now, but they probably will.
I can't seem to float on water anymore! I don't know why!!! Is it because I'm too heavy now? Does any body know how? Please tell me!!! It will be extremely useful for me! Thanks!
I just ended up slipping on my goggles (not too sure if I can wear them if they ask us to do it) as I bounced up and down the pool. I did that for a 15 minutes and figured I could go on forever, so if they asked us to do it with our goggles, I could do it. If they asked us to do it without goggles, it might be a bit harder.
Anyway, the second reason why it was a bad idea to go swimming was because my mouth was still 'sore'. The ripped skin in my mouth only ripped some more. When I jumped into the pool, it stung. Not to mention how flithy the pool is by now with all the people going in and out. I couldn't see the end of the pool because it was too 'cloudy'. ><" Yuck. But that wasn't he worse part. The worse part happened when I came out of the pool and went to dry myself off with my towel. I rubbed my head as usual. But what happened this time, was that when I accidentally rubbed my nose upwards, there was this amazing pain that surged through my body from torn skin in the mouth. I was so scared that I had torn it further. I'm still not sure if it's torn further but I'd rather not know. I just want it to heal quickly! ={ Also, for the first time in a very long while, I played some computer games at a LAN shop this afternoon after church with some church friends. I think I'm not so much a computer game player of a guy. I only like certain games and usually, I play in moderation because if I like it, I want it to last for a long time without me getting sick of it. But usually, I don't play much computer games.
I just ended up slipping on my goggles (not too sure if I can wear them if they ask us to do it) as I bounced up and down the pool. I did that for a 15 minutes and figured I could go on forever, so if they asked us to do it with our goggles, I could do it. If they asked us to do it without goggles, it might be a bit harder.
Anyway, the second reason why it was a bad idea to go swimming was because my mouth was still 'sore'. The ripped skin in my mouth only ripped some more. When I jumped into the pool, it stung. Not to mention how flithy the pool is by now with all the people going in and out. I couldn't see the end of the pool because it was too 'cloudy'. ><" Yuck. But that wasn't he worse part. The worse part happened when I came out of the pool and went to dry myself off with my towel. I rubbed my head as usual. But what happened this time, was that when I accidentally rubbed my nose upwards, there was this amazing pain that surged through my body from torn skin in the mouth. I was so scared that I had torn it further. I'm still not sure if it's torn further but I'd rather not know. I just want it to heal quickly! ={ Also, for the first time in a very long while, I played some computer games at a LAN shop this afternoon after church with some church friends. I think I'm not so much a computer game player of a guy. I only like certain games and usually, I play in moderation because if I like it, I want it to last for a long time without me getting sick of it. But usually, I don't play much computer games.
Overall, I don't really 'enjoy' strategic type games where you have to think or build your land or something like that. Also, Role Playing Games are games that I tolerate. Usually these kinda games have a bit of action/fighting in it, so I quite enjoy that part where they're a lot of violence. But if it was just a game that involved lots of talking and lots of blabbing, I don't think I would choose to play that game on a daily basis - not unless it's a really good and interesting game.
However, the type of games I usually choose to play are those immediate action, immediate violence, immediate chaos type of games. Simply because it's awesome to cause all that chaos happen in a matter of seconds. Games that involve shooting and stuff - I like. I'm not saying I'm any good at it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm down right crap at 'em. But I don't care. As long as it's enjoyable, I like it. Even if it means having to die every single round, I don't mind. It's fun.
However, the type of games I usually choose to play are those immediate action, immediate violence, immediate chaos type of games. Simply because it's awesome to cause all that chaos happen in a matter of seconds. Games that involve shooting and stuff - I like. I'm not saying I'm any good at it. As a matter of fact, I think I'm down right crap at 'em. But I don't care. As long as it's enjoyable, I like it. Even if it means having to die every single round, I don't mind. It's fun.
But on top of this, I prefer soccer video games. Especially if I'm given time to learn the game. Once I'm given that time, I believe I can be deadly. I remember back in Australia there was this one stage where I would score as many as 3 or 4 goals in one match against the World Class opponent. The only difference between computer players and human players is that computer players are so predictable. After a while, you can predict what they're gonna do. So after playing the computer for a while, you can tell when they're gonna tackle, and when the keeper is gonna be exposed.
But when you start playing with a human player, you think you can predict their movements, but the truth is, there is more 'indecisiveness' with the human players, and you can't seem to tell where or what they wanna do. Which is why it's a bit frustrating at times because you'd lose the ball from some silly mistake. Grrr.
Also, computer players don't come sliding from behind for a tackle.
Also, computer players don't come sliding from behind for a tackle.
Labels: Games, S'pore Adventures, Sports
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