The Parent Trap

Don't you just hate the times when you jump into the pool, and you realise that it is warmer than usual, and on top of which, it tastes saltier than what you are normally accustomed to. It really doesn't help when the little girl in the lane next to you with her father is so busy giggling away about you don't wanna know what.
That was my first impression when I jumped into the pool today.
When I sat at the edge of the pool at 4:30pm today, I was pleased to realise that the pool was really nice and warm. I only had to splash the pool water on myself a few times before jumping right in. The only thing I found funny about the water was that it tasted somewhat saltier than usual. That was when I starting thinking about what the little girl could have done!!! ><" ahhhH!
But just like going into a toilet where someone had just taken a dump; you get used to the 'surroundings' eventually. lol The only difference with this example is that I am actually 'touching' whatever 'unwanted substances' there could have been in the pool. Whereas in the toilet, you just smel--, we'll, you get the point.
Strangely, even though I went swimming at 4:30pm today, with the dark clouds clearly blocking out a portion of the sky, I still got darker from swimming! I was so confident I wouldn't get darker this time round because the sun looked so harmless behind those dark clouds. Even while I was in the water, I didn't think I would get darker because there was hardly as sun shining onto the pool floor.
Obviously from my much darker complexion, I was wrong. I fear that if I keep this up, I don't think you could tell me apart from an average Malay guy. Perhaps, I might fit into the Police Force quite nicely! Then again, the tan will probably fade away after a few weeks. hehe
Anyway, my dad is coming to Singapore tomorrow evening so it'll be nice to see him again. It's a bit weird though.
Firstly, I've managed to go without my parents for 3 months before my mum came back to pamper us. It was all nice and everything, till she was about to go. Suddenly I wished I could be pampered like a spoilt brat all over again because it was great! Then, after she left, I managed to find my feet again and now, everything is back to the way it was.
But now, my dad is coming. I don't know what to expect really. Not too sure what will happen during that time but I will try to make the best of it. My mum told me to just enjoy whatever time I have with him and my bro because it won't be like this for very long. It won't be long till we all start moving out and the family won't be so 'exclusive' anymore. There will be other people, other families, other girls in our lives.
Just looking into the future, I see that the next upcoming family reunion will be in 2009 when I return from Singapore to Australia again. Actually, from the look of things, our family hasn't really been a 'whole' family for a very long time since Amoz left. The whole complete family setting with the 5 of us all together hasn't happened for a very long time. As a matter of fact, it didn't happen many times in the past. Maybe it's because we took that for granted and now we realise that without one member of the family, things just isn't the same. There is someone missing. There is an empty chair in the living room. There is an empty void in our conversations.
"You never realise what you've got till you lose it."
I think this quote fits perfectly into this situation. Without one person in the family, the 'family' just isn't complete. There's something missing. Just looking at the things which are happening, our family is currently split into two. One side being where the 'home' has moved to, and the other side being where national duties applies. Our parents and our little sister are in Australia with my brother and myself in our homeland serving our National Service. Two 'homes', one family. It won't be long till we make it one home again! Yay! Till that day, we will just have to do what we have to do to have time fly. Just so long as it doesn't 'skip past us', I think it should be fine.
It's funny how you look back upon all the adventures that took place as a family and you laugh at how everything was so annoying and 'uncomfortable' back then. But when you look at it now, it really was a wonderful time. A time which doesn't happen all too often. Not something we all scream to do all the time, but enjoyable. lol
The last trip that we took as a family was when we went to the Grampians in Victoria back in 2004. Our dad was so adventurous to take us all the way from Melbourne to the Grampians in our very tiny, very squishy, very 'intimate' Hyundai Getz. Imagine that. All 5 of us, squished into that puny car. Driving on the road for 4/6 hours? Not too sure, can't remember anymore. All I know is that it seemed like eternity in there. It wasn't any better when we had to have our pillows on our laps because there wasn't any more room in our trunk. So we were all very very 'compacted'. Good thing it only went for 2 days before begging to return back home. We weren't in a very good mood because everyone was complaining, so I don't think my dad really had much of a choice. Not unless he wanted a riot in his hands. Still, it was nice to see that we managed to pull through together.
But would I do it again? NO! No no no! Please no! I would rather stay home alone, without any one else around where I would have to do all the housework alone than to go on a trip like that again! Not without me driving that is. hehe
Anyway, family is family. Whether you hate them, or you hate them even more, you have to love them. Because like it or not, they are your family and there's nothing you can do about it.
As wacky as they get, they will always be apart of your life. A part of your memory. A part of you. So just enjoy it now before you realise what you've just lost.
Just to add this in and to make sure this doesn't end on an all-too-serious note, yesterday after church we went to watch Mr Bean the movie. It was a pretty funny movie. A good movie for a good laugh. If you haven't seen it, and are planning to watch it, I'll tell you this. Don't expect too much from this movie. Just go in, and have a good time watching it. Just enjoy whatever funny moments come along and have a great time. Once again, don't think too highly of it. You'll spoil it.
Also, go with friends. As many as possible. For this movie, it's great to go and watch the show with your friends (better the ones who haven't seen it yet) because there are many funny and silly moments, if you watched it by yourself, you probably won't be as 'entertained'.
Overall, I enjoyed it. I needed the laugh because things have gotten too serious as of late, so it was good. Go have fun when you watch it too! ^^
Something I'll add here because I feel like it.
Do you guys think this is possible? 

A steel ladder breaking in half under the impact of another guy leaping from the ring.
Is it real? Or is it just a gimmick that I found on the internet?
hey. haha *random comment*... well.. perhaps not TOTALLY random.. i got ur link from eugene... he probly thinks i'm some random stalker now.. ahaha.. ANYway.. ahahha.. love your style of blogging man... makes me think of ahaha.. i dunno... ur writing is cool :D... *yes... my lack of vocabulary is really letting me down!* not good.. bleh...
we went to the grampians too... but.. we went in a camry.. ahaha... was good.. family outings are rare :P but yeah.. all good
*end of random comment*
happy easter btw~
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