Dudly Do-Right

Overall, the experience has been interesting. I had a taste of the working life, and boy does it suck. I'm so glad I'm not there long term because seeing all the work that is involved and the deadlines that you have to meet, I don't think I would last very long. The amount of stress that it caused me during my time there, I don't think it was worth it. Pimples started erupting in places I didn't know they could appear as they grew to this ultra-powerful breathing volcano-sized disaster that spewed toxic venom all over my face, forcing me to take drastic measures to protect my dignity as an available man.
This photo was taken right in the corner at the entrance of the photocopy 'room' (so to speak). As you can see, my boss' computer is directly behind mine and I've left my computer screen on my blog homepage. And what a beautiful page it is.
The whole office is basically that messy and also, it is really crammed. There's hardly any room to walk and if you see someone coming your way, someone has to give way in order to cross paths.
Behind that wall next to my computer is the rest of the department. It's this large area with 15(from memory) other work desks all crammed together - so we're all one big happy family. The head of department sometimes sits behind 'the wall'.
Now you guys can understand why every time I go to work and I'm doing something other than work, I have to be very alert to quickly Alt + Tab the screen to something else that looks work related. It's annoying because since the photocopier is in the little room next to me, there are a lot of people that walk in and out of that room every few hours. There are times when people would walk in and out every few minutes. It doesn't sound too bad but it can get annoying after a while. Sometimes I'm Alt + Tabbing almost every few seconds to make it seem like I'm really busy when in fact, I wasn't. =P
Well, there you guys go. A look into my first ever full time job that I dreadfully hated. Yet, I managed to get through 2 months of it. There were so many times when I wished I could quit, but thanks to some people, I was able to pull it off and still remain sane. Seriously, I think I could be a lot worse if people didn't give me the sound advice and encouragement I got while at I was working. I could have died! jk jk.
Alright, time for something different. The cruise!
This is the second embarrassing moment when I got told off for using the camera. I don't know why I couldn't use it, but anyway, this was what happened.
I didn't have any thoughts about taking any pictures of the casino because I didn't think it was all that interesting to take pictures of the casino; just like how I don't think it'll be all that interesting if I took photos of the library on board. I mean after all, it was just a whole bunch of Jackpot machines with several tables of Blackjack, Poker and Backgammon going on.
But this time, I thought to myself, "Ahhh, I might as well. Also, with all these people coming out, I think it would look funny to see all the people who all suddenly lost all their money as we are approaching Singapore. hehe"
So I turned on the camera, and took 3 to 4 photos of the entrance.
Just as I finished snapping pictures of the entrance, I noticed that there was this guy waving at me. He was dressed in a white shirt with a dark coloured tie. As my eyes focused on the guy waving at me, I realised that he was actually a security guard.
I didn't realise that I had taken this photo of the security guard until later when we were about to have our lunch at the Pavilion. I thought it was so funny how I managed to take a picture of the guy waving me away.
Seriously, is there a problem with me taking a picture of the entrance of the casino? Even if I had zoomed my camera into the casino and had taken pictures of the stuff inside, what is the harm in that? I don't see what is the problem. It's not like I want to produce landscape photos of the casino's jackpots to have sold on the street. Who would? I don't see what is the problem. Can someone tell me? I'm confused.
Anyway, onto something completely different that happened after the cruise. This happened on a MRT train while I was on the way somewhere I can't remember where I was going. While I stood in a very crowded train, this lady, and her partner, backed up close against my arm as my hand was placed in my pocket. What surprised me about this was that her open handbag was brushing up against my forearm. I could easily see all her stuff in there. C'mon, even though Singapore is safe, it doesn't mean you should be doing things like this. Just because I don't steal doesn't mean you should leave your PSP hanging out of your backpack. Just because I don't steal doesn't mean you should have your money flashing from your pocket.
I dunno. Should I be angry at them or should I have sympathy for people who can be so stupidly stupid to have their valuables flashing at strangers on board public transportation. Either way, they suck. Have some brains and make sure it's all secure. That's why they have zips on handbags. And even if they have a zip, they should always be zipped up with the end of the zip placed somewhere they can monitor.
We were having a discussion one day at church about how mindless people can be when it comes to safety and security here in Singapore. Someone at church was commenting about how people can be so senseless as to have their front doors unlocked when they go out. Sometimes even with little children inside. They would think it's so safe around Singapore that they could do that.
I think I'm starting to feel this desire for personal safety and security now, now that I'm gonna be going into the police force soon. Maybe I should think of a corny phrase to follow like, "Play safe to be safe," or "If you can't remember if you locked your front door, go home and check."
Yeah.... I think I better not follow some corny phrases and just be myself. Less damage to me and society.
Enough of that, just one more thing before I finish.
Chariz has been asking me why I asked her to appear offline for a little while as I did this. I didn't realise this until several months ago when I thought I was seeing doubles on my MSN screen.
I'm not sure if many of you have this on your MSN list, but I'm pretty certain this is pretty rare. What you see below has not been altered. The only changes that I made was the blurring out of the other MSN contacts.
I thought it was pretty cool and had to take a picture of it. I mean how often do you have two Boazs and two Wes' (what is the plural of Wes!? =S ) on your MSN contact list? According to the other Boaz, he says he knows 2 other Boazs now. One being me, and the other another guy who he knows personally. I believe his Boaz friend is also an asian. w00t!
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed that little bit of ranting. Might be going out of Singapore on Thursday so I will hope to bring back some more photos and stories to tell. If Amoz is able to renew his passport (which expired long ago and he didn't realise about it till just today), we shall be heading off to the northern tip of Indonesia called Batam.
Labels: Miscellaneous, Transport, Work
Hahaha... I'm glad my name is such a novelty!
And yes, I do need a holiday.
ahh... i see why... but what i don't see why is why i had to be offline...
wow, that office seems to have way more stuff than an office should have!!
how much time off do you have before you start with the police?
I had 2 holidays in less than a month and i still reckon it's not enough =P hehehehehe
I reckon my former office is like a store house. They own the entire floor and they still need these storage cabinets that roll left and right to save space; if that makes sense.
My NS training starts on the 10th April, so around 3 weeks time.
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