Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment

I couldn't really muster up anything 'interesting' to really blog about. Nothing really struck my head the moment I saw the empty blogging space. I guess I'm back to the point where I will have to squeeze whatever 'something good to blog about' fluids I have in my brains to produce a blog entry for you guys to read. So I ask you guys to bear with me for the next few weeks as I live through the same old repetitive routine until I get into the PA. Also, I believe once I'm in the PA, I won't be able to blog as often anymore - seeing that I will be 'confined' for a few weeks when I first go in, I won't be blogging till I return back to the civilian world that I will be called to protect.
Strangely enough, I'm not too sure whether this is some sort of coincidence or anything of that sort, but as of late, I have been noticing a lot of police vehicles every time I am near or on a road. From the top of my head, I am able to recall at least half a dozen incidences where I have either seen a police car, police jeep, police bus or of course, police officers. I don't remember seeing so many in such a short period of time before in my life. Maybe because in the past I might have been oblivious to their presence but I don't think that is the case. I mean, how can one miss a rolling vehicle with funny red and blue lights on the hood of the vehicle as it strolls past you right before your very eyes? I know when there's a police car flying past me when I see one.
So I'm not too sure what you would call this. Coincidence? Maybe. But every time I see one of these representatives of the law, I always start thinking about how in a very short time, I will become one of those people. I will be in one of those things. How I will have to start arresting random drug dealers, prostitutes, law breaking civilians, elevator peeing boys and boy is it gonna be sweet. Not literally of course. Literally would be bitter; but then again, I'd rather not know if I'm right or not =P (If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, best if we kept it that way)
Along with having thoughts about joining the police force, I have to admit that there were times when the thought of breaking the law did come to my head. haha, ridiculous but true. Hear me out for a second.
There were times when the thought of just breaking the law by creating a major scene so the cops can come and arrest me did cross my mind. I'm not sure why I would do something as stupid and absurd as that. Maybe because I want to see what it would be like if I had a close personal encounter with the law just before I go in. I wonder what they would do to me if they found out that I did something stupid like skinny dipping in the middle of the Singapore River as one section of the police force had to come in and retrieve me while I swam around like a terrified fish.
But more realistically, I have thought about jumping in one of those Police vehicles and taking off. How cool would a police chase be when I'm the one running away in a police car! That would be one interesting breaking news report I reckon!
"A 17 year old boy is running wild in a Police Unit through the busy streets of Orchard Road and has been on the run since 10am this morning. The boy is reported to be pending enlistment for the Home Police Academy next April but now, this boy's future doesn't seem so bright after all after ironically stealing a getaway police car!"
Errr... actually, I don't wanna do that. I'll probably freak out before I can even open the police door to get in. I'd rather be a good boy and get into the PA 'clean'.
Anyway, there's nothing to worry about. You don't have to start worrying about me doing something out of this world like taking my police-issued hand pistol and charging into the airport onto an airplane, demanding that the pilot takes me back to Australia. No no. I wouldn't do that. I'll probably just ask the pilot to leave the plane as I fly it myself. Now that is a possible probability.
In all honesty, I've never really considered joining the police force. There was only one time (which I mentioned in the past) that I briefly considered joining the force, but never seriously considered before. So when I heard that I was gonna be in the PA, my whole world became confused. There were thoughts like 'what? me?', 'why choose me?', 'was it something I said?', 'why did I have to get gold on my NAPFA test?', 'should I have gotten something lower?'. I really didn't actually want the police force. My mind was completely set on the army. I was so ready to go to Pulau Tekong for my torturous training sessions with loudspeaker-mouth instructors. I was all ready to put on those black boots and helmet as I run through the jungle in search for our target point. My brothers' stories of where he would dig holes all night long without sleep was all in the back of my head. Having accepted the fact I will be treated as a worthless piece of poo, I was ready. I had already prepared for the worse.
But when the lady said the words, "You will be enlisted into the Police Academy," my world was completely shaken. Those few eight words completely rocked my world. But now, it will be sooooo cool! It's way better than the army!
Anyway, there's nothing to worry about. You don't have to start worrying about me doing something out of this world like taking my police-issued hand pistol and charging into the airport onto an airplane, demanding that the pilot takes me back to Australia. No no. I wouldn't do that. I'll probably just ask the pilot to leave the plane as I fly it myself. Now that is a possible probability.
In all honesty, I've never really considered joining the police force. There was only one time (which I mentioned in the past) that I briefly considered joining the force, but never seriously considered before. So when I heard that I was gonna be in the PA, my whole world became confused. There were thoughts like 'what? me?', 'why choose me?', 'was it something I said?', 'why did I have to get gold on my NAPFA test?', 'should I have gotten something lower?'. I really didn't actually want the police force. My mind was completely set on the army. I was so ready to go to Pulau Tekong for my torturous training sessions with loudspeaker-mouth instructors. I was all ready to put on those black boots and helmet as I run through the jungle in search for our target point. My brothers' stories of where he would dig holes all night long without sleep was all in the back of my head. Having accepted the fact I will be treated as a worthless piece of poo, I was ready. I had already prepared for the worse.
But when the lady said the words, "You will be enlisted into the Police Academy," my world was completely shaken. Those few eight words completely rocked my world. But now, it will be sooooo cool! It's way better than the army!
Not only will I be able to (hopefully) bulk up, but I will also be able to get an insight of how law enforcement works and how the whole system within those police walls operates! Plus, I will be learning some form of Karate; something Amoz and I wanted to learn at one stage because we had simply watched too many clips of the Karate Kid.
However, my mum has warned me to protect myself spiritually as some of these training has some spiritual background to the acts involved. I will be aware and cautious of what I do. I only hope that the Lord will give me the courage and alertness to stand up against what is wrong; if of course there are any cases when it is blatantly obvious that it is against the word or will of God.
However, my mum has warned me to protect myself spiritually as some of these training has some spiritual background to the acts involved. I will be aware and cautious of what I do. I only hope that the Lord will give me the courage and alertness to stand up against what is wrong; if of course there are any cases when it is blatantly obvious that it is against the word or will of God.
Nevertheless, it will be so cool to learn a bit of Karate. I wonder if they would teach us those kinda Karate seen on television. I know those on television are really over the top, but maybe something similar to that. That would be so cool! hehe
Also, something that I've been thinking lately - and because I'm not in the PA yet - is the thought of having a chance to get into the SWAT team. Not too sure if they will allow NS men to get in but anyway, I love the prospect of raiding random locations in black suits holding very cool sophisticated weapons with cool hand signals. lol I asked my auntie about her thoughts about me getting into the SWAT team and she said, "Oooo, very cool. But you have to be all rounded in all areas of combat, shooting, etc." ^^ But I still think it's very cool! hehe (I feel like a sissy giggling school girl right about now =S)
Anyway, all this talk about getting into the police force is getting very exciting. I only have another 3 weeks of freedom to enjoy; so on top of sleeping late and waking up late, I'm gonna take advantage of this flexibility to train a bit more now. However, I have to admit that I hate running. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. The worse part about running is having to push yourself so much more after your body tells you that you should really be letting me rest now. That is the most irritating part! Argh! And that's why I love swimming. I don't feel much of this pain when I swim. Maybe because not all the weight is on my feet and lower part of my body.
Well, either way, I will have to run sooner or later; although, I would prefer later but sooner will have to be the way to go.
what happens if you don't go into the army or police force? is it allowed? if you live somewhere else, do you have to go back to singapore for this? what is the age that you have to do this?
now on to easter. i have more questions about this. do you celebrate easter in singapore? what is the religion there?
is orchard road the only road in singapore?
Questions! Whoo!! I love 'em! Keep 'em coming guys!
- If I don't do my NS (army or police or civil defence), there will be consequences. Firstly, when you reach a certain age, I believe it's 16.5yrs and if you're overseas, you have to make this 'bond' of $75,000 with the S'porean government; just to make sure you don't run away. If you can't surrender $75,000 at that age, the government will 'lock' that amount from several representatives, eg. my brother's bond was special as our two aunties signed their names and money on behalf of our parents. If my brother didn't come back, i think they will lose their money and they will be thrown in jail as well.
- Yes, it is allowed that we don't come back. If we don't come back, the above will happen and we will be arrested the moment we land back in s'pore.
- If one is overseas, they will have to return or the above will happen. XD
- The age that you are 'supposed' to go in is 18, but there are cases when there is early enlistment and when ppl defer their NS due to further studies. I decided to go in for early enlistment; just to get it over and done with.
- Yeah, we celebrate easter in Singapore.
- I believe majority of the people here are Chinese Buddhist. However, the christian population is getting pretty big too!
- Orchard road is a well-known road in the city. People usually refer to the city as orchard road because the city is pretty much surrounded around this road.
thanks for the info!!
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