The Marine

Kat even said it. I'm like a freak.
My mum said I should go join some Frequet Flyers Club but for swimming for all the 'mileage' I get in the pool.
I said to Kat that I'm hardcore now. That I'm the brother of Superman. Or his son. Or something like that.
The thing is, swimming has made me stronger. Back in Australia, everytime I did the swimming carnival, I would start crying for air and a break everytime I pass the half way mark in the pool while attempting to swim breaststroke or backstroke. If I did freestyle back then, I would sink and drown somewhere past the one quarter mark. Good thing I didn't do it.
But now, I am amazingly fitter and stronger. I enjoy swimming because it's like gliding through another medium without having to cry under the pressure of your own weight. You see, that's what I realised about running while I was swimming in the pool! When I run, all my 70 odd kg is pressing itself down onto my foot and ankle. And every step is just another step of pain and agony. Whereas with swimming, all the weight is distributed in the water and I don't even feel the weight of my own body. My entire body is suspended in the water which makes everything all nice and better.
Anyway, if you're wondering why I'm making a big deal out of this again, I'm just so excited about myself. I've grown stronger so fast, and I'm just proud of what I've accomplished. These are my recordings for the number of laps I do in total, the number of laps I do without stopping, and the time taken to do them. The recordings are for the highest number during that month.

Wow, just looking at that, there is such a big improvement from February to March. I didn't realise I managed to improve like that in such a short period of time. Wonder if I can push myself a bit more... It'll be nice if I can.
But I fear that when I go into the Police, my statistics will drop dramatically and I won't be able to maintain this increase in number of laps. Of course I am aware that there will come a point where I won't be able to increase the number of laps anymore, but it's so sad to see me stop soon after improving so much.
Anyway, one thing's for sure. All this swimming has definintely made me stronger. I know I've said it like three times already, but I'm just shocked about it myself. I wonder how strong I've grown. Never tried exerting my strength on anything for a while, so I don't know. I think the opportunity will come when I'm in the Police Academy. Hopefully I'll surprise myself with whatever new abilities I have acquired. But then again, it might be the opposite. I could be disappointed with my puny strength when I'm comparing with others on the force. I guess we'll just have to wait and see then.
In the mean time, my back is killing me! I got a bit of sun burn on my back because I was swimming breaststroke most of the time and I think because I didn't stop during my 24 lap swim, that the sun got the best of me. Even though it's nice and dark now, it's nice and hot and prickly too. Yikes!
Anyway, in case you're wondering what I look like now, this is the most recent picture of me after swimming and tanning so much in the pool. As most of you can tell, I've changed a lot since the last time, and I owe it all to the swimming.

Damn I look good!
Those biceps, the chest, the face. Wow. I never knew I could look like that.
I've grown so much I've even joined the WWE and have been enlisted into the ECW roster where I've become the EWC Champion under the alias 'Bobby Lashley'. See how much you can accomplish in just 4 months!? Every night, I would fly back from the US and come back to sleep in Singapore before flying back to the US for another title defense. I'm so cool. And to imagine I can swim in between my hectic roster. I don't know how I'm gonna juggle my Police job and my wrestling career. Wow. I rock!
No no, those were all lies. That's obviously not me at all. For one, I can't even do that face. At least I don't think I can. My jaw would hurt after a few minutes of that. But it'll be nice if I had that body; but I think many people will protest against me in getting that kinda body. I think.
Which reminds me! Why is it that many girls don't like guys with tanky bodies? I don't see the problem. They claim to say that it's too 'scary'. Like yeah. That's up with that? It's like muscles. Everyone's got them. I don't see it being scary - I mean afterall, we can use it to protect you! How are we supposed to protect you girls if we don't have any muscles? Terrible! Also lemme add that girls with bulky muscles is a no go zone. No offence to girls with large muscles, but I dislike the sight of it because I don't think they go with girls. Men are supposed to have bulky muscles, not girls. It's like girls with boobs. You don't wanna see guys with man-boobs because it's just a no go zone. Simple. ><" Yuck. Anyway!
In the same way, if you don't like the idea of us getting our muscles, it's like us not allowing girls to have boobs; which may I add would be terrible. But let's not talk too much about that XP If you take away the muscle factor, what are we? The muscles are what defines us. Well, I know it does to me at least. It shows the manly side of who we are.
Of course, yeah, I'm not talking about building muscles to the point where it is simply sticking out everywhere like those bodybuilders-Mr. Universe kinda guys. They've over did it. Now that's scary and disgusting. But I'm referring to more a wrestler's body figure. I don't think they've over done it and I reckon they have a very nice muscular build (In a good sense people! In a good sense!).

Now, just looking at WWE's John Cena, I don't think he's over done it at all. As a matter of fact, he was a bodybuilder and I reckon he's got a very nice build. Not too crazy. Now is that really so scary and horrific, ladies? Wouldn't it be nice to touch those very slimy, very slippery, very large biceps that he has there? Mmmmm, biceps ...
LoL, ok, I'll stop. ahaha, but what's so bad about muscles anyway? I think it's a beautiful creation that God has created along with many great and wonderful things. Would it be bad if I was determined to get that body shape? I wouldn't mind it at all but there are so many protests against it, I really have to ask! Seriously, if there aren't any objections, I really wanna try to get it! But not unless there are a lot of objections. ><"
hehe, let's see how many ladies respond to this! XP
Labels: Exercise
eww.... john cena's arms... too big... ><"
i didn't notice it before because in wrestling, his arms are being used................................... ok i can't remember it actually =P
"eww...john cena's arms...too big...><""....i agree completely fact....'ewwwwww' all together...
I don't think i'll ever understand the fascination that guys have with muscles....ever ~lol~
but it's so beautiful..!
*puppy dog eyes*
u idiot =.=, im gonna be mean and say!
UR CRAZY bo how many conversations have we had about muscles?.. please learn =P
kari-chan's tiger is so cute! ^^
nii-chan...... can you get me a tiger? *puppy dog eyes*
extreme big muscles are a no go zone
Ok!!! ^^ I'll get one from the stall.
i don"t get it? what's wrong with having muscles ...
guys only look good when they have small-medium muscles. john cena's are like humongous and shiny too >< bleh ~ how freaky
p.s is there such thing as an 8-pack?
i think i learned something from reading your blog today. what is that, you ask? that i have spent too much of my time watching wrestling because i knew that was John Cena before i read your words.
as for muscles, i think that how big or small they are shouldn't influence whether you like someone or not. the guy with no muscle tone might be a creep and the one with the huge muscles might be so nice and kind, muscles don't make the man!!!
Exactly! You're so right!
Except i think what the other girls are saying is right as well. I dont' wanna be such a muscle freak that everyone on the street will be looking at me.
I will build it moderately ^^
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