The Karate Kid

Firstly, I'll just say that the picture posted in the previous blog entry is in fact an actual photograph. I retreived it from the WWE website under WreslteMania 23. I was completely shocked and surprised that it was possible to break a steel ladder like that. Jeff Hardy, the one on the guy, jumps from another ladder set up in the ring and lands onto the guy on the ladder, Edge, as it breaks on impact. Awesome stuff. Sadly, I didn't watch it happen. =( But you can see the story with all the pictures from the WrestleMania23 pictures.
I went swimming with Melissa on Thursday and boy is she good. She is quick and strong. Just comparing myself to her, I still have a long way to go. Also, if she comes online commenting saying stuff like, "Nah man. Not really. Blah blah blah." Don't believe her. She's freaky. XP And I don't say that very often.
Oh, silly me. Who is Melissa? haha, for the many of you who don't know, she is Amoz's Primary School lover--, I mean... errrr, Primary School crus--, oh dang. That came out all wrong. Lemme try to focus. Focus Boaz! Focus!
What I meant to say was that she was Amoz's Primary School girlfrien--. ><" Hmmm, that doesn't sound right. XP hehehehehehe
I'm just kiddin'! haha, don't kill me Melissa or Amoz! XP Melissa is Amoz's Primary School classmate back before we left Singapore in '96. So yeah.
Oh dear. They're gonna kill me big time. XP *runs*
Anyway! It was nice having someone else there. I mean to not swim alone and to have someone push me to swim harder, it was nice. It was to my advantage and seeing that Melissa is a good swimmer, I had to force myself to keep up with her as she flew ahead. I didn't want her to overlap me so I had to try to follow her the best I can. hehehe
Besides that, this is my last weekend that I will be playing for church in a while. Even if I have time out of the academy, I'm not sure if I will take up the opportunity to play because I need a bit of time-out. Maybe in a while, I will think differently about it but for now, I need a break. It'll do me some good I reckon.
So I've been here for around 4 months now and I think it'll be nice to just have a little bit of a think of the things that have happened since coming here.
But firstly, lemme say a little bit about what I 'wished' had happened before I came here. Back in Australia, just weeks prior to my arrival here, I wished to have gone into the army in January. Which was why I left Australia in December - to have a chance of getting in in January.
However, it was not to be. There was an extremely slim chance of that happening so the other 'alternative' happened. I was placed for enlistment in March.
So during that time, I managed to do quite a number of things.
Now, I'm trying not to do the same list thing that I did a month back. So lemme try to do it this way.
Coming here, I've managed to pick up swimming and push myself to do 50 laps.
I got my first full-time job as an admin. That was really suckie and I don't wish to do it ever again.
I started playing for the new church here and in the process, I managed to pick up a lot of new skills on the drums.
I was given a lot of opportunities to finally catch up on a bit of English Premier League action live on TV! How cool is that!?! Sucks in Australia because back there, they don't broadcast EPL, they show AFL. ><" I mean, c'mon. Who wants to watch that stuff? Boooo! And please, don't get me started on cricket! hehe Someone's gonna attack me for saying that. XP
What else.. ermm. I was able to brush up on my clarinet and I reckon that's going on really well. I'm able to play a lot more notes now because I have, well let's just say, a lot more 'air power'. This allows me to reach those higher notes and other funny fingering notes with better ease.
I've also started something else which I will not broadcast over my blog. But just know that I've started to learn something else too. Maybe if you ask me in person, I will tell you. Maybe. If I think I should. XP
I went on two holiday trips with my mum and managed to spend a lot more time with our dad while he was here for those 3 days.
And most importantly, I managed to stay on MSN for hours waiting to terrorise my 'friends' as they came online. I like to call them 'friends'. Not too sure what they call me now. Probably something along the lines of 'stalker' or 'annoy-er' or 'avoid at all costs'.
Well, it was somewhat pleasurable; until they decided they had to attention their annual English-Speech classes with Antonio Banderas. I'm sure after all that terrorising, anyone would prefer an annual English-Speech class with Antonio Banderas over a friendly conversation with little o'le me. ={
In any case, just know that I will be gone on the 10th of April. Gone! See if you wish for me to come back then! Maybe then will you realise what you took for granted! Hmph!
haha, I'm just kiddin'. But seriously though. I will be gone on the 10th for 10 days. It will be an exciting 10 days because it'll be a whole different 'playing field'. Everything will be different and everyone will be in chaos. Imagine all these boys, screaming their heads off crying out, "Mother! Mother! I want to go home!" Just as I did back when I was here. Oh yes. And how amazing will it be when you see a whole stretch of 'men' crying out for their mother. We are truly manly man aren't we? I know I am. =X
I went on two holiday trips with my mum and managed to spend a lot more time with our dad while he was here for those 3 days.
And most importantly, I managed to stay on MSN for hours waiting to terrorise my 'friends' as they came online. I like to call them 'friends'. Not too sure what they call me now. Probably something along the lines of 'stalker' or 'annoy-er' or 'avoid at all costs'.
Well, it was somewhat pleasurable; until they decided they had to attention their annual English-Speech classes with Antonio Banderas. I'm sure after all that terrorising, anyone would prefer an annual English-Speech class with Antonio Banderas over a friendly conversation with little o'le me. ={
In any case, just know that I will be gone on the 10th of April. Gone! See if you wish for me to come back then! Maybe then will you realise what you took for granted! Hmph!
haha, I'm just kiddin'. But seriously though. I will be gone on the 10th for 10 days. It will be an exciting 10 days because it'll be a whole different 'playing field'. Everything will be different and everyone will be in chaos. Imagine all these boys, screaming their heads off crying out, "Mother! Mother! I want to go home!" Just as I did back when I was here. Oh yes. And how amazing will it be when you see a whole stretch of 'men' crying out for their mother. We are truly manly man aren't we? I know I am. =X
Labels: Reflection, S'pore Adventures, Sports
stalk me stalk me!
- blog reader
asking for a good butt-kicking, you are...
=.=" don't get you started on cricket!!!
cricket is a great sport!!!! =)
well, test matches can get boring sometimes but one day matches are awesome XD
Seriously though, I still don't understand cricket. Not all that much.
What i truly don't understand is why ppl get so excited about it... esp how it's played over many hrs. The excitement like... kinda dies out for me if the game gones on for too long.
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