
I believe I've gotten used to it now. It took 144 hours to finally get used to the whole working for 12 hours in the day and 12 hours in the night shifts. And of course it does still seem a bit long, but it's not as bad as when I first started.
Like for all first days, the first few shifts seemed like eternity. But it wasn't as bad as when I first started working back in year 10 for work experience.
After having to work from 9 to 5, I came back each night wishing I was back at school. I still recall the first day of work experience when I wondered why the time was still 2pm and not 5pm. I thought it stayed like that for several decades till it finally ended 3 hours later.
On top of experiencing the work life, I think the massively long working hours I went through earlier this year helped ease the transition into this 12 hour working shift. The major difference between working at that admin job and at this one, is that the travelling time is a lot less consuming. Despite this 12 hour shift being 12 hours long, having to travel at least 40minutes to 1 hour every day, in one direction, can be really stressful and tiring cause you'd have to wake up early and by the time you get back, it's time to sleep.
I guess the benefits of this police shift is that I get those 2 days off which is very very helpful. Everytime I start work the first day, I focus on those 2 days off which is only a few hours away. And when it comes, it's like a high school musical where the kids all stampede out of the classroom and out onto the road at the sound of the final bell.
But I think the elements of having a really nice working environment makes it a whole lot better. There's this nice gradual age increase in my team. With me being the youngest, the next oldest NSF would be a year older, followed by another guy another year older and so on. The oldest NSF is 22 and so after that, I'd say the next police officer would be in her mid 20s? That's right. Female officers! Whoo!
"Thank you Father for making my life a nice warm loving place to live in."
Right, anyway. After that, you got all the senior officers who are aged between 30-50. At least with this gradual age increase, the working environment isn't such a bad place to be in. The older officers can relate to one another, and then younger ones can muck around. Then of course, because they're all so relaxed, people tend to socialise a bit more and that's why everyone is quite open to each other.
And of course with my very direct, purposeful mentality, I am able to take advantage of this and make myself right at home there. I find myself doing things as if I've been there for years. At least around the accused, I want to look like I know what I'm doing and not just stand there like a complete idiot thinking, "this isn't my job is it?"
With these fresh accused, we can make it seem like we know what we're doing. But having been there for 144 hours, I've already seen some familiar accused!
There was this one guy, I believe it was my 3rd shift, and I was asked to escort the young female officer to take the DNA from this Malay guy. Now, this Malay guy looked whacked. I think he consumed some controlled drugs, thus causing his arrest, so he was like somewhere else. There were moments when I thought he would collapse!
Anyway, just a few shifts ago, I saw this guy come back in. This time, I think it was for Fradulent Possession of Stolen Property. He has 15 pairs of shoes on him and he didn't know how to explain it. I had the honour of sorting through his 'property' to ensure everything stated is present and accounted for. I really don't know how he comes up with stuff like this.
Speaking about the accused, I just heard today that a 15 year old girl in Geelong was raped last night at around 7:40pm!
This goes out to all the young girls and even the old ones =P Please be careful! Guys in Australia can be pervs. Actually, guys in general are pervs. Sorry guys. Be careful girls. LoL
The article can be read here, so I won't go too much into the story's detail.
Shockingly, it's in the area near our old church in Geelong and if I'm not mistaken, even closer to the Toh's house! Be careful Tiffany! Make sure you're not alone when you're outside!
Actually, I don't think the area's very safe at all. A lot of weird people stay there. I don't mean to sound harsh, but that's how I see it.
There was another double rape case back in May when two 14 and 15 year old girls were raped by 5 guys. Soon after hearing about this, my caution for all girls in Geelong escalated. My mum also disallowed Chariz to go out with her friends during certain times. Being so far away, I simply frowned at the thought of girls going out alone. I don't like the idea of young girls walking outside alone in Australia anyway. It's definitely like throwing a piece of meat into a jungle. You attract all sorts of animals.
At least in Singapore, it's not so bad. You can hardly turn a corner without seeing someone but in Australia, there are plenty of secluded areas.
But of course I'm not saying that all guys are like this. It's just that group of people who 'want it easy' and would prey on young girls. Disgusting.
So this is my plea to you girls out there, especially those in Australia. Be very careful! Don't think you're some strong chick who can fight off guys cause you can't. Even if you think you're Chyna, I don't think I could win against a guy holding me at knife point, despite me thinking I'm an exact replica of Arnold Schwarzenegger. You'd be way too freaked out! I'd be way too freaked out!
At the very least, have someone follow you. Even another girl, but preferably another guy. Just make sure the guy's not a perv! haha =S
Anyway, it donned upon me just a few days ago that I failed to post up any image of me in a police uniform! hahaha, so today being a very unproductive day in itself, I've decided to be very generous and post an image of me! And on top of that! An image of me in a police uniform! To all pervs out there, remember this face! It'll be the last face you see if you wanna go for young girls!
XD lol
I had the honour of having my face in my friend's MSN display pic, so in response, I'll have the same picture with him in it posted here.

These two awards were for the Best in Studies and Best in Ops fitness. I took this picture the night I received it at the Graduation dinner, so the other two awards for Best Trainee and the PNS Statute award didn't come till the POP day.
Labels: Australia, Miscellaneous, Police, Work
that was quite long and i had a few things to say. but it was so long that i forgot.
the photo looks funny - don't ask me why just does.
oh and you still look quite the same as last time i saw you live.
Hey, you look good in your uniform! Very sharp!
As for the Geelong rapes and girls by themselves, I think it's very regional-based. But if I had a daughter, I wouldn't want her to go outside late at night.
My friend asked me recently if I thought that her being out in the city from about 7-9 on a Wednesday was answer was a resounding YES.
Then she called me dad. :(
hehehe, thanks sam. At least I still look like me and not some other guy down the street. lol
Yeah, when i first donned that police uniform, i thought i looked smart too. After all those years of admiring the police, i finally get to wear it.
But nowadays, im so used to the sight of it, i can't tell that it look as good as it actually is. hehe
You look so young!!!
Lol, that's the first time I've heard someone say that of me. hehe, thanks? =P
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