Eddie's Million Dollar Cook Off (Part 4)

"Yeah, it's the same room. What's this for?"
"It's an interview for the PNS (Police National Service) award."
"The PNS award!? Whoa, really!?"
"Yeah, it's for the best in the whole intake award."
"Wow! Haha, that's really good news! Thank you sir!"
When I received that phone call, I was so much more happy - even after hearing that the reason that I was dropped from the OCT selection was something out of my control. After that, I was even more cheerful. Now there was something else to be happy about. That interview for the best in the intake took over my desire for OCT. I basically converted all excited of getting into the OCT selection to the PNS award. And just to think that I could get that award was enough to keep me going but this time, I was careful not to get too excited because I don't want the same kinda disappointment I experienced when I discovered I was dropped from the OCT selection.
After returning back to the bunk, it was really funny how people still came to offer me their sympathies to me for not getting into OCT. Ok ok, I guess it's not 'funny'. But it was nice to see all these random people coming up to me and asking if I was ok or not. Unaware of the fact that I had already moved on with the thought of the PNS award in my mind. =P
6th July, 2007 (Friday)
We had POP rehearsal that morning at 9am. With the interview at 9:15am, I informed the FI conducting the rehearsal and having no other choice, he allowed me to go off in the midst of the rehearsal.
I marched back to the barrack to get changed and off I went to the Syndicate room.
The last few times I had to go to the room, no one was inside, so I assume there wouldn't be anyone in it this time. But I played it safe and knocked first before opening the door.
*Knock knock* After knocking, I slid the door open and there in that puny room were 6 officers, all of which were high ranking officers; including the OCs of all OCs - let's call him OC K
They all turned to look at me and they were all stunned as was I. I didn't know what to say, and I'm guessing they didn't either. But being the 'intruder', I had better say something, especially when I'm the trainee and they're the police officers.
"Errr ... I think I'm a bit early ... so err... I'll wait outside."
Shocked and not sure of what to say, OC K responded with half broken sentences which clearly indicated that he had no clue what to say either.
In total embarrassment, I quickly made my exit, apologising in the process.
'What a way to start my run for the PNS award huh? ' I thought to myself, 'Won't it be hilarious if I won the award now? The guy who walks into a 'probably top secret meeting' ironically wins the best trainee in the intake award. Oh yes, I've got a good chance now.'
I stood in the end of the corridor, totally embarrassed by what had happened. When OC K came out, I immediately stood in attention and saluted him, apologising again for what had happened. He assured me that it was ok and asked me to walk with him as he wanted to speak to me about what had happened with the OCT selection.
From memory, I think he said, "Has OC 'H' spoken to you yet?"
"No, but my OC talked to me about it. It's ok."
"Well, we didn't know about the situation and should have let you know earlier. But now, it's ok. Everything is ok."
"Yeah, it's ok." And he walked off into the Co-ordination office.
After waiting outside for a few seconds, the door opened again and he saw me. He turned around once more and asked the guys inside, "What do you want to do with the PNS candidates?"
"You can just ask them to come in." With that, he directed me to go on in to the air-conditioned office and it was good. =D
I waited in there, and in time, the other 4 candidates for the PNS award came in.
In time, as we got ready for the interview, we lined up outside the room and as we waited, my OC who was gonna be seated in the interview came up to me and said, "Boaz, I have another piece of good news for you. Can you take a guess?" I couldn't really muster any 'good news' that I could think of at that time because my mind was pretty much beat.
"You have been retained for the OCT selection. So welcome back." As he said this, one of the guys who was one of the original six in the run for OCT shook my hand, congratulating me. In complete shock, I instinctively shook his hand with this blur look on my face. I mean, I had moved on from OCT. When I woke up that morning, I had moved on. I was living life post-OCT and now that I was back in, I had no clue as to what to think. My focus was on OCT the day before, but when I lost it, everything I had hoped as an OCT dropped into a deep dark pit. And so after hearing that I was back in, I didn't exactly know how to react.
"Sir, what happened?"
"Well, they searched the black and white (law books) and found no regulation that stated people like you couldn't be in the run for the OCT selection."
"Wow, that's great..."
At that point in time, I really didn't know what to believe anymore. Was I in? Was I out? Was I supposed to be there at all or not? What was going on!?!?
This completely threw me out for the interview. I didn't really worry too much as to whether or not I got this award or not. Sure, I wanted it. But after hearing something like this, I had to think about OCT life all over again. My focus was like a crappy cheap torchlight - there was no defined beam. I wanted to cry.
The interview went on as usual. I was the last one to go in out of the 5. This was of great benefit to me because as the 4th person went in, I was able to just calm myself down in the presence of God. So quite basically, I had an upper hand against the other 4 candidates. =D
I went in there, and was myself. They asked me to talk, and I talked. It was like a routine really. Just answered everything without offending too many people and I thought it should be ok. Well, that's what I thought.
When I came out of that room, I was quite pleased with my interview and merrily hopped off to my barrack.
We had another POP drill rehearsal that afternoon which ended up finishing around 1735hrs. After that, we quickly went off to our barracks to get packed. The same old same old boring routine of waiting for the Coy Commander to release us happened. When we finally reached the front gate, we passed through it and went our separate ways.
As we parted, I gave my OC a call because I needed to inform him something about the OCT interview that Monday. I spoke to him about it and said it was ok. Also in that conversation, he told me about the results for the interview I had that morning.
"Have you heard about the interview this morning?"
"Nope. I haven't heard anything yet."
"Oh, well basically you got the award." At this point, I was laughing in my heart because I didn't know what I did to actually get that award. Plus, I did walk into that highly top secret meeting room that morning too. Yet, they still gave me the award. hehehe
"Wow! Really? That's good news then."
"Yeah, there were only two really close candidates but you got it."
I couldn't believe it. I got the award. All for God's glory!
Being the youngest, I didn't think I would be the one sweeping the best trainee in the intake award. Also, on top of that, I obviously had to be the best trainee in my squad, so I got that award too. And to God's glory, I also got the best in professional studies and best in operational fitness.
So in all, I managed to sweep all the awards I could get. XD
And I definitely couldn't have done it without my Lord and Saviour. Without Him, I wouldn't have this body to do all the stuff I did in there so it's all thanks to Him. For those wondering, here are the awards I got.
(Apologies for the crappy pic quality. Had to use the webcam to take the pics because there were 'technical difficulties' with my digital cam which I will not disclose over the world wide web because it is simply embarrassing - not that we need another embarrassing comment.)
In clockwise direction starting with the statue -
PNS Statue Award, Best in Ops Fitness, Best Trainee and Best in Professional Studies.

SQD NS 15/07
Labels: Police, Reflection, S'pore Adventures
Well done mate!!!! haha, Now on to bigger and betta things:)
Sum of the abreviations lyk OCT etc got confusing lol, but i got through it
Tlk soon
Nice wrk officer boaz! lol....now i want an awrd 2...bags the shini one on the first pic:P hehehe
Awwww... conGratulations~~
so great!!!
Can you believe? I've been in Melb for almost 2 yrs now...
The 1st time we met seems soooo long ago now, yet so close.
takecare ^^
hehehe, thanks guys.
Wow, 2 years. That's quick. It was only 7 months ago that i met you dawn :P
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