
But yes, what are 'non-seizable' cases? This is just one of the many technical terms that we trainees have to understand inside-out for the exam. So in short, non-seizable cases are cases where police officers are not allowed to arrest without a warrant. One example would be punching someone in the face, or voluntarily causing hurt. Without having personally witnessing the attack, we are not allowed to arrest without a warrant.
With that in mind, we as police officers have to understand the basic procedures as to what to do when situations like this arise. We have to attend to the case with full knowledge of what our powers of action are. I'd guess that this would be the hardest part.
To be perfectly honest, I too was a bit scared about this because it really is a lot harder than it seems. But after having a go with our OC last week, I feel much more confident and am ready to take on the case next week! I hope I can handle the case without any problems which I can't solve during those few minutes.
What's really interesting about this test is that it will all be held in the Academy's 'Training Village'. In there, there are 'avenues' which duplicate the outside world. We were told that there was an MRT train, a MacDonald's, a bank, and many more which I don't know if I can name here or not XP But after hearing all these things which are inside the Training Village, it was amazing as to where they could possibly hold all these under one roof without us knowing where it is. We started to wonder where the Village could possibly be, and so far, we've only pin pointed one large building which seems to be somewhat heavily guarded somewhere away from where we usually train.
I really can't wait to get in there. I just wanna see all these things under one roof! Oh! I just wanna scream like a little girl! XD lol hehe
For me, this week has been considerably fast.
Nothing too interesting has happened. I guess the only possible 'excitement that came out of this week was the fact that the new intake came strolling in last Tuesday; ultimately making us 'seniors'. They were the new 'Prep-course' intake. Basically, these are the bunch of fat/unfit/lazy people who failed or didn't go for their NAPFA test prior to enlistment. They have to do an extra month or two of training just to get fit again. So every morning, while we are having breakfast in the wee hours of the morning, we see these prep-course trainees running. I'm just glad I passed my NAPFA test when I had the chance.
But besides being able to witness a whole bunch of people go through what we went through during the first 10 days of confinement (and may I add they are still being confined now XD), nothing too significant to blog about occurred this past week.
So let me blog about something other than the academy.
My bro and I just came back from watching the new Fantastic Four movie and I have to say that it is so many times much more interesting than Shrek 3. I don't mean to upset anyone or anything if you liked Shrek 3, but personally, I found Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer a whole lot better with a much more interesting story line. I'll leave the analysis to whatever else website you may read but for me, I really enjoyed it. It was a good few bucks well spent.
So now for me, the next movie on the 'must watch' list is Transformers. With my oh-already-so-low-and-tight-budget, I think I have to try to cut back on the number of shows that I watch. But definitely, Transformers is a must see for me.
Waaaaahh... can take photos of the village, anot? Can, lah!
aiyah, i want to leh. But dunno can anot.
WAT!!!! So the fat, unfit ppl r still in confinement?? Where u only had to do the 10days!
yeah, they actually came out for the first time this weekend.
It has been 10 days of confinement for them too - they went in on the 12th June. So yeah, 10 days of confinement like us.
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