
"By order of his royal highness, Mr Commander of TRACOM (Training Command), trainees shall no longer be performing the Contingency techniques during the Police Day Parade but rather the Gurkha's."
I say this with much disappointment because, yup, I managed to get into the Contingency group only to have it cancelled. Cancelled in the sense that trainees will not be doing it.
But despite my disappointment, I guess I could be happier in knowing that the Contingency techniques will be handled by a better group of trained people who will definitely do it a hundred times better than if we trainees had done it. I only hope that I will be able to watch them perform when they do it - provided I'm not backstage because of the lack of seats or something. Actually, I would be devastated if they held us backstage for the duration of the entire parade because I wouldn't be able to watch the events that will take place in the stadium. Let's just hope they give us some seats to sit and watch =D
On the whole, I'll say that I'd like to quit NS and just leave for Australia because I think I've had enough. The whole boring routine and mundane lifestyle - I can't stand. Not to mention all the pumping and running we have to do each day as a result of this 'life'.
Sadly, it's only been 7 weeks and I already feel like 'ORD-ing'. Actually, that's pretty pathetic because I have 22 months of service (not including my leave) and I've only completed 1 month and 3 weeks. So that leaves me with 20 months and 1 week left. Yay.
Well, I don't really have much of a choice. As male Singaporeans, we are forced to go through the same torture for 2 years to have this joy of 'memory'. Yes... I think I'd rather not have this memory. lol
Also, people have commented that I have once again, lost weight. My cheeks are a lot more defined and my body is much slimmer - irregardless of whatever 'packs' I may have XP
So today, I saw to it that I hopped onto a weighing machine and lo and behold, I had lost approximately 3kg. Currently, I weigh in at 67kg.
To be honest, I am sad I lost weight :P I like my 70kg status and would much rather remain at that weight. Why? I'm not too sure but to weigh a bit more and not look overweight at all is nice. Perhaps if people attempted to carry you, it would be much more difficult. I dunno. lol. Why bother trying to figure out how this mind works. Just accept it. It's just very 'specially' designed. hehe
Next weekend, it will be burnt. Burnt meaning I shall have no weekend because of the parade. Friday night we will be confined and I hope Saturday evening, they will release us before we return back in early Sunday morning.
In the mean time, I hope these short updates on my Police life is sufficient for you guys. It's really nothing much because I don't feel like blogging about what happens in there. Living it is enough, yet alone re-living it in my head to have it typed out. Yuck.
Anyway, for the first time in 7 weeks, I played for church again. It was good to touch the drum sticks again and I'm glad I haven't lost any of my new drumming techniques and now, I've learnt even more. In two weeks time, I will have to play again - so there goes another weekend XP
But it's all for God and that's all that matters!
tell us some more about the girls there
Congrats on your marksmanship!! I knew you can do it and you did it. The Lord honors those that honors Him. Go for it sharpshooter. Ms Getzy
Yeh, tell us more about the girls there lol :)
hahaha... what girls? XP
I know nothing of what you speak of. XD
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