Fear Factor

Well, the parade's this Sunday and what happened was, yesterday, we were at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, showing our stuff to the Commissioner of Police. We did our bit and we did our best. The result came through and it turned out that we were approved but the Gurkha's weren't.
The reasons as to why the Gurkha's were removed, I do not know. They were really good though. Their movements were really smooth and there was one guy who was supposed to kick blocks of concrete and stuff. Maybe the Commissioner didn't think it was suitable that we show stuff like that to the public because this parade is supposed to show what police are trained to do. Kicking bricks to a million pieces - well, maybe that isn't something we should be showing the public as police officers.
Well, besides that, the thing is that we are gonna be confined this Friday night so we can train further. Quite frankly, I'm tired of all this and I can't wait for it to finish. Once this finishes, we're gonna focus on our studies and other stuff that we will have to pass - and I'm sure, it will go by really quickly. From next week onwards, we will have another 6 more weeks. 2 of which were 'extended' weeks. And from what I heard, there will be some weeks were it will be really slack because we would have finished all our stuff and there would be nothing much to do but maybe stuff like physical training. Pfft.
Speaking of physical action, I believe next week will be our final IPPT (physical test)which means after this, I won't have to do it any more!!! w00t! Not unless they force us to do it during my next posting.. grrrr. To be honest, the only test I hate doing is the 2.4km run. To fail this run means you fail the whole test. Argh. My last score for the run got me Gold for the test, so I think that should be sufficient and I don't think I will be forcing myself to run for Gold this time round. XD
Well, I'll just finish up with a story that happened to me yesterday while I was trying to book out of the academy.
I had packed my stuff and was heading for the ground floor when there, from where I stood, I saw half the squad marching off together. In a hurry, I rushed downstairs and when I did, my other friend, who was also wondering why they left without us, decided that we should catch up with them. So we marched off together trying to catch up with the squad to merge in.
As we approached them, we heard an instructor on the left shout out that they are to turn around. They turned around and marched towards us.
My friend started asking me, "What should we do?!"
I just said, "Keep going! Keep going!" So we marched passed them and soon after, we heard the instructor shout out that they are to turn around again. They turned around and soon, the command for them to stop marching came. My friend was so scared that we too were gonna get stopped so I was like, "Keep marching! Faster! Don't look behind! Go! Go! Go!"
As we marched on, we could hear the instructor ask, "Where is the rest of your squad?!" At the point in time, I was so sure they were gonna squeal on us because I heard something like the word "two". So I thought they were telling the instructor that we were running away.
Fortunately, they didn't and we were left marching with our hearts pounding onto our rip cage.
But wait! That's not the end!
We kept marching on and made a turn towards the exit. Sometime as we were marching, my friend confirmed that the squad had continued marching, and that he told me that he was feeling really scared about running away like this. Things didn't help when we were trying to make our way out of the academy. There's this really long straight march to the end, and along this stretch are a lot of officers. So quite inevitably, an officer stopped us.
He then asked, "Where is your squad?"
I replied, "Up ahead sir" Yes, I knew it was a lie. But if I had told him, 'Oh sir, we were trying to catch up with them, but they were turned around, and now they are behind us,' I think we would have died.
Then he asked, "Why are the two of you marching alone?"
"Because our squad left without us."
"I don't think that's right." I didn't really understand what he meant by that, but that's what he said. Then he said, "Which squad are you from?"
When he said that, I quickly analysed the consequences of telling them the truth with a lie. If I told him we were from some other squad, I guess we could get away with it a lot easier because note that the squad was actually behind us marching. I ended up telling him the truth, "Squad 15 sir."
There was a moment of silence before he broke it and said, "Ok, you two should not be marching alone. Quick march. Go!"
Swiftly, we marched off, faster this time because there behind us was our squad coming towards the officer. Then my friend goes, "I'm so scared! Ah!" and beings to march really fast that it looked as though he was running.
I tell him, "Don't rush! Just march! March fast!"
He then says, "I'm so scared! I can't turn around! I can't turn around!" And what does he do? He turns around.
I then tell him, "Don't look behind! Just keep marching! Go!" During the final stretch, the adrenaline rush was so high I really can't remember the last time I got that scared! It was really crazy!
To retell the story again it seems like nothing, but to actually go through it, wow, that's a whole different thing. I don't know what they would do to us if they caught us XP
But good thing they didn't. So in the end, it's just another story about NS life and how you are to 'bluff' your way through for a much easier life. hehe
Wonder what other exciting encounters I'll have during these following few months!
Labels: Police, S'pore Adventures
Haven't had a chance to read your blog since i've been travelling, but sounds like you're having fun over there. Don't think about how long it takes, and it'll be over before you know it!!!
omg. is National Day coming up??
mannnnn... i miss SG so so so soooooo much >0<
TSK. Lucky pig!
I do hope it'll be over soon.. =( In the mean time, I have to take one week at a time. Eventually, one month at a time, then yay! one year will be over!
National day isn't till another 2 months! Not sure what i'll be doing but i like how we will be FREE!!! whoOOO!!
For that one day. =P
nice 'bluffing', brozo
i'm sure that officer was also trying to have an easy day for himself.
and probably so is that super instructor shouting out instructions.
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