
It seemed like only last week that I first walked into that academy as we were directed to some classroom to be stripped searched. But all that really happened 3 months ago. And now, we're left with only 5 more days till we have to vacate our barrack.
But during those 5 remaining days we have there, we will be practicing for our POP.
My dad warned me that we will have to train all day long for our POP and he was right. Yesterday, one of the FI who was conducting the POP drill said that starting from next week onward, we will have to train in the morning, after lunch and in the afternoon which may extend till evening. Just the thought of all that scares me because just the morning drill alone made me wet my entire polo-T shirt and some bits of my pants. Just imagine the drills after lunch in the hot sun, and may I mention that the hot season in Singapore has finally arrived. I'm gonna have arms as dark as armpit hairs and a brain as steamed as a cooked dim sum. That's because our attire throughout the POP practice drills will be the police peak cap, white polo-T, dark blue police pants and black-once-shiny-kiwi drill boots.
There are things I could say about myself about what I've been doing in the police force but I really don't feel the need to promote myself in informing the whole world of what I've been accomplishing in there. I just wanna say that whatever I've done and whatever I've been able to achieve in excelling in whatever areas, I owe it all to God. Without His hand upon me in there, there wouldn't be a chance of me getting all these wonderful things and so I wanna thank Him for all the blessings I've received.
There are some things I can note that you guys already know; like the great instructors that we got.
Our FI is the best in the academy because he even told us, he doesn't want to be strict because there are other people already treating us like robots, so he wants to have some leniency with us. He will close one or two eyes whenever it comes to some things because he acknowledges that we are all humans and that we need to have some 'luxury' items to keep up our morale.
Also, our OC is definitely the best OC around. At least I think so. He's a great man and I really admire him for his integrity and attitude towards things. We are his first squad and I hope he found some joy in taking us despite the little annoyances that we cause him at times. XP Well, of course I never create any problems for him XD
hey there!
i just asked wes about you the other day!
i'm glad to know that things are well (if not stressful and tiring!:)
take care and know that good thoughts and prayers are always with you!!
Hey, tell us about what accomplishments you're achieving! It's not boasting... we want to know!!!
Yeah, tell us the awards you will be receiving.
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