Rush Hour 2

The great part is that I get 2 days off.
The sad part is that I have to work at night.
The great part is that this is a different sort of exposure.
The sad part is that I have to work there till the 22nd of Oct.
The great part is that I'm not being confined, kinda.
The sad part is that a lot of people who can make your life a living torture roam the place like sharks.
The great part is that everyday is another day to completing NS.
The sad part is that I will have no luxury items with me during my shift.
The great part is that this is not permanent. Phew.
This is my life for the next 3 months. Fortunately, when I did some simple calculations, I'll actually only be serving 1.5 months because half the time, I'll be 'off' but it'll still be considered '3 months of National Service" =D. Iif it wasn't for these offs, I believe I would be on the verge of commanding myself to 'langkah merusuk, ke hadapan, gerak' off the roof of a 20 storey building.
I mean, really! 12 hours!? I've never even slept that long before! How am I to survive!?
My other friend who took the night shift yesterday started at 8pm. I had a moment of remembrance for him before I continued with whatever I did at 8pm. When I woke up this morning at 7:30am, I was still thinking about him and how long it has been; even with me sleeping at night, I still felt for him because he wouldn't be done for another 30 minutes.
I dunno if I should be more scared of the day shifts or the night shifts.
At first, I thought it would be better to have the night shift because there wouldn't be any big ranks walking around. But then again, I realised that I make a very bad friend to the insomniacs.
But then again, having the day shifts can be just as bad. In fact, having any 12 hour shift can be bad. It's bad enough I complained about my nine and a half hour work back in Feb when I was working as the admin. Now, I have to add another two and half hours of work? Oh no.
Anyway, there are only a few things that really comfort me in knowing that things aren't as bad as they could be.
For one, God is always with me and I'm really appreciative of that.
The other thing is that this is only temporary and I get 2 days off from work after the 2 days of day followed by night shifts. Having two days off is just awesome because it gives me time to just get away from the Police HQ and away from everything NS related. Thank God for this luxury =P
And something new that someone told me is that people 'get used to' this kinda shifts. I didn't know this and to at least know that I could get accustomed with this kinda odd timing shifts are somewhat comforting to know, because obviously having to go somewhere with total reluctance can be quite horrible to live through. So at least to know that this is something that one could get used to is great.
Anyway, with all this, my first day shift starts tomorrow at 8am. I have to report at 7am at the station all dressed and ready for the morning briefing. In Singapore, the sun doesn't rise till 7am, so I'll be, once again, watching the sun rise.
I do realise that I have been looking at this in a negative way and sure, there are a lot of things that I could look at positively .. but it's hard and I don't wanna. The thought of a 12 hour work shift scares me. I really don't know how I would survive something like that. I haven't even stayed online on MSN for that long before. And boy is that long.
On the whole, my schedule for everything will be messed up. This is because for this posting, everything is a 4 day week; two days work, two days off. This means I will miss out a lot on church for the next 3 months =( I thought it would be a lovely 5 day week, but I guess I was wrong.
Anyway, this post has been depressing enough. It'll be kinda funny if I rock up tomorrow night saying that everything was great and fun and I can't wait for the next shift! If that happens, you'll be sure to see me blogging about it!
In the mean time, I'm not happy at all. lol
... your first line... i'm sure you didn't type something correctly...... u meant shifts right...?
LoL! I can't believ wat I'm seein! Inappropriate use of language.....tut, tut, tut:P hehe
hehe.. i see im not the only one who noticed the 'typo' =P
awww, dw.. you'll make it! =]
and yesh, i shall be thinking of you when it's ahh.. 10pm??? lol
Oh no, that's what i meant to say!
XP jk jk... hehehe thank you ladies. I didn't realise that there was such a wonderfully descriptive typo. XP
awwww... I don't use my blogger anm... LOl Get a FACEBOOK mister ^^
Sighhhssss... If you don't enjoy it, then why not drop it???
hey mate, no complaint about it, cos soon after i'm gonna join u, workin as shift too. possibly could have a chance to meet u, u're in Delta Division right?.. so till then seeya, i left with one more week to go for e course, seeyou soon! God bless! cheers
yeah man! it'll be great to see you guys there. Then i won't be so alone. lol
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