Friday, August 31, 2007

The Truman Show

Yes, I've been lazy with my blog posts.

And I do pity you guys who keep coming back here to see if I've updated but instead, get an eye-full of a picture of the Teletubbies! haha ... I pity me for coming back to see if I've updated too! Yet somehow, by some great unsolved mystery of science in our world today, I too get an eye-full of 4 different coloured Teletubbies.

Nothing's picked up as of late. Every thing's all a routine basically. The reason why I don't update so regularly is because since it's a 4 day week, every time I aim to finish the final night shift to get those 2 days off, I'm confronted with this need to sleep and by the time that's done, it's the 2nd day of my day off. Now, would I want to spend it on a day of blogging or! A day of mindless internet surfing activities such as looking up videos of Whose Line Is It Anyway? on youtube. I think I'd rather be watching Whose Line Is It Anyway?

But really, nowadays, the days are finally picking up. I always look forward to the end of the night shift. It just means I have 2 days off to R&R. By the time I realise my 2 days are done, it's back to work. Then I just work again, looking forward to another night shift, when it's time to have another 2 days of R&R. It just goes like that. So having to check when was the last time I updated my blog doesn't take long for me to realise that the last time I blogged was last week. Still, I pity those who had to look at those 4 very colourful combination of colours I had as my last blog post title poster. XD

Last Sunday, I was the maintenance officer for that day. It just meant I was the one who had to issue and disassemble the PR sets for our team and the returning team respectively. So that day, I was in-charge. I was the one with the key to the maintenance room.
However, as the maintenance officer, we aren't always in the room all the time. After issuing out and retrieving the sets, we are 'required' to aid the charge office downstairs. So that meant we had leave the room locked. This meant the key would go into our pockets. This would mean, someone like me would forget about the key.

This has happened many times before. Even when I was still in the process of learning how to do maintenance, my senior forgot to hand over the key to the taking over officer. So he had to return all the way back to the station to hand the key over to him.
But me being me. I had to be special. I had to be smart. I had to be forgetful. I had to be me.
Unlike my senior, I left the key in my locker. So when I went home that night, my friend gave me a call 2 hours after my shift asking me, "Hey, where did you put the key? Did you hang it somewhere?"

It was there that I realised that I had left the key in my uniform pocket. And that was back at the station. If only my lock were number locked, but it wasn't. It was key locked. And the only set I had were the 2 keys with me and the spare key in my uniform. And having locked the uniform in the locker, it would mean I had to go down. Argh.
So me being me, I had to pay for the consequences as I have many times before. Usually for my careless mistakes, I would find some way to rectify the situation. In this case, the only way I saw to rectify this situation would be to go all the way down in the middle of the night to the station to retrieve the key in my locker. Which I did.

If there is one thing I am grateful for, it would be the fact that home is not that far from where my station is. The fact that my other squad mate's house is literally a few minutes walk-away is irrelevant to my point. The point is, I'm grateful for the fact that I am only 30 minutes away from the station and not somewhere insane like 1.5hrs away, like my bro XP
Comparing it with the travel times back in Australia, I could travel all the way from Geelong to Melbourne and still have time to order a cup of coffee and drink it before Amoz reaches his camp. That's how insanely 'efficient' our transport system is. So really, 30 minutes for me to reach my station is great!

If I had to go to the PA, it would take me around one hour plus to reach there. Compared with my 30 minutes travel time, that's nothing, really. I'd much rather be traveling 30 minutes each day than to have to travel 1hr+ to some camp weekly. That way, if I forgot anything, the consequences of having to pay for my forgetfulness wouldn't be so bad. That's how I see it any way.

Yesterday, I was called back from my leave. They were short of manpower and needed people to work. So I got a message from my OC Ops that she wants me to come back to work and I can take leave next time. Having not much of a choice, I fork-lifted myself off my bed at 6am to shower. We've concluded that getting a message from OC Ops in the early morning can only mean one thing - disaster. It would mean that our leave has been cancelled due to some wise guys MC. So that's when I had another one of my leave cancelled. Twice it's happened already. I just hope they don't call me back again when I take my next leave..

Anyway, she mentioned in the message that I would be in lock-up - possibly one of the worst stations to be posted in during your shift. It's boring. It's tiring. And it's a lot of time wasted to just sitting there. I've attempted bringing in my Bible and a book, but after a couple of hours of reading, it hasn't been pleasant trying to fight fatigue with my head constantly looking downwards. Gravity generally pull the eyelids down.

So this time, I've decided enough is enough. I will give in to my urges to try to draw the room I'm in. Don't ask me why. I'm not much of a natural artist, but I just had this urge to wanna replicate what I saw on paper.

After 3 hours of drawing and interruptions, I managed my first drawing piece at work!

This is the general view of which I see for 12 hours! So now you guys have an idea of what I have to stare at hour after hour. I dunno if I'm breaking some sorta law by posting this. Maybe a law that conflicts with the prevention of the possibility that a terrorist would want an insight of the lock-up room of one particular police station to where hundreds of police officers work and has resulted to 'studying' my picutre so where he'd know how to not get lost if he happens to break his way into a police station ...... ok .....

Anyway, by then, the time was 12pm, and I had run out of things to draw. It was either drawing the other side of the room, drawing the lock-up hallway where we're 'supposed to' prowl every 5 minutes, or ... something I imagined in my head and just felt like drawing.

I had several attempts at the hallway before deciding I didn't like being restricted to reality. I'd much rather draw something from the imaginary than something people can judge upon in our working environment. I even got criticism for the accuracy of the first drawing! It was just a dry run and didn't care much for it. For all I care, I wanted something to do, and that was it. Stuff accuracy. Lol. So... after hours of much boredom, I came up with something like this ...

It isn't much. I didn't even know I could handle something like this till yesterday. To be honest, I've never even pictured myself as much of an artist. Don't think I have the hand for the precision cause I'd stuff up a lot of lines.
Oh, and if you're saying it's very detailed, it just tells you how much time I have at work. Sadly, after several hours, the 'can't be bothered' attitude came in and a lot of detail went out the window. hehehe, anyway, it's just one for the records I guess. I'll see what other things I'll end up discovering about myself in that room.

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At August 31, 2007 at 4:50 PM , Blogger tiffanytoh said...

yes, I did enjoying reading... took my mind off all the "stuff" I was thinking about earlier.

hrmm.. told you this before, but I'll mention it again =] That last picture is really good!! Way better than those drawings I had to do for English ><"

At August 31, 2007 at 4:51 PM , Blogger Cz said...

is that ur dream house? =P

At August 31, 2007 at 4:57 PM , Blogger Ang said...

Thanks tiffany. At least it kept you company for those few minutes =D

hahaa, i wish it was my dream house! XP

not really... =S

At August 31, 2007 at 6:39 PM , Blogger Wes said...

Haahhaha... those drawings are awesome! Kick ass.

At August 31, 2007 at 6:47 PM , Blogger Ang said...

LoL, thanks ucl wesley XP

At August 31, 2007 at 11:24 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

hey mate, cool artwork! awesome!


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