Toy Story

I feel a bit at a lost to be honest. I thought my training days were over. Guess not.
But facts are facts. I'm going to become a trainee all over again. The thoughts of having to wake up at 5:30am all over again are a bit troubling. The thoughts of having to eat mess food all over again are a bit troubling. The thoughts of becoming a trainee all over again are a bit troubling.
I promised that I would blog once more before going in and so this is that blog. Tomorrow is the first day of my officer cadet course and I'm not very confident about it all actually. The only thoughts that comfort me are the hopes that being an officer will be a lot better in the sense that our barracks will be luxurious and our timetables will bit a lot more less packed. I've heard a lot of things which we officers will go through. None of which I can confirm right now but at least these things keep me slightly excited about what we are gonna do in there.
For now, I will have to wait and see if they are true or not.
Meanwhile, I've been occupying myself with lots of church activities. On Friday, I was asked to play for the evening service. Seeing that I could make time for it, I shrugged off the fatigue from the night shift which ended that morning to attend the rehearsal at 7pm. The service finally ended at around 10:30pm, allowing me to get back at around 12am.
Yesterday (Saturday), I left at 10am for my grandma's house for lunch before heading off to church again for the Sunday service practice. Got to church at around 1pm where we practiced till around 4pm when the second part of Friday's service continued. That ended at around 7pm. By then, dinner was beckoning so we headed off to one of the near coffee shops when we were given a sight from the heavens on a dual television screen as the Everton V Liverpool match featured live from Goodison Park. It was like a gift from heaven when one of my friends spotted the game about to start. My plans were to rush back to watch the game which I thought was at 9-10. Obviously I didn't check properly cause the game was already starting.
Having no other choice, we watched the game which ended with Liverpool winning on a pair of penalties; the second one being in injury time. About time Liverpool won again. =)
When I got back, it was around 10:30pm. Enough time for me to get ready for me to sleep at 11pm.
Today, I had to leave the house at 7:30am for the early morning run-through of the songs. Got there a few minutes late because I found a new interesting game on Facebook XP It involves using a Rocket Launcher and blasting the helpless lives of opponents on Facebook. Whole lotta fun till I die. =(
So yeah, that's my weekend. A lot more interesting than my last few weekends which usually involves me working for 12 hours then going back to sleep. It was good to be back at church and playing too. And it felt like I never really left. =D
Anyway, I don't really have much else to say - just that I'm not all that excited about going back to the PA. Who knows, maybe at the end of next week, you'll hear me saying I don't wanna be out here. lol, you never know. hehe
I'll keep this one short so I can prepare some other things for tomorrow (in other words - mental preparation; blasting more helpless people on facebook XP).
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