Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Little NIcky

After nine months, I've suddenly realised where I am.

After nine months, I've suddenly realised what it's all about.

After nine months, I've suddenly realised that this is it.

After nine months, I've suddenly remembered that Singapore is near the equator.
For the first time in nine months, I've realised that Singapore is hot! Maybe some part of it has to do with the Tom Yum fried rice I had for dinner just a few hours ago which somehow seems to be burning a sensational hole through my stomach. But still, at 11pm, if I'm feeling warm, somethings not right. That's right, it was hot today. For the first time, it was hot!
Actually, I was 'fortunate' enough to be working today because it was hot! Every time I stepped out of the room, I'd be like, "Is it hot out?" Then, after prowling for a few seconds, those thoughts would be out the door as I returned back into the air-conditioned lock-up office XP
One of the accused actually complained to me today that it was warm. Thoughtlessly, but more so uninterestedly, I simply told him to remove his shirt and take a shower. After all, what did you want me to do for you? Order some ice cream and have it delivered to you? Or better still, have the contractors to enter lock-up and have air conditioners installed for each cell. Yeah, in your dreams dude.

Anyway, having the luxury of two mega air conditioners in our small lock-up office, I really didn't think much of the accused as I remained in this wonderful office. To be honest, I can't remember anything else he asked me today because my mind would be unconsciously determined to return back to the room, just to get out of the heat of the lock-up area. But now, after thinking about how warm the day was, I kinda feel bad for the fella. hehehe

Yeah well, as many of you have noticed, I've been a bit reluctant to post. Mainly because there really isn't much to post about. My life now basically lives under the continual cycle of a four day work week, and unless you understand the working conditions, there's no point in me blogging about work here cause it's just boring. Well, to me at least. But it just goes by so quickly, I dunno where time actually goes. Well, actually, I'm lying. I do know where they go. It'd be going into work and sleep.
Seriously, that's where my time is really going nowadays. I'm working 12 hours, so that's like half the day gone. When I am home, the other 3/4 of the remaining day is usually used as sleep, so quite frankly, I have 1/4 of the remaining day to ... 'relax'.
And just the other day, after I had finished my night shift, I decided to not sleep till the evening of my first day off. So when I came back around 9:30am, I mucked around until 6pm before I crashed into bed ... not waking up till 7:30am the next morning. I can only recall 3 times when I woke up during those hours of sweet sleep. One around evening time, one in the middle of the night and another sometime after 6am because I noted how the foldable bed that Amoz sleeps on was already in the room. But the sky was still dark and that prompted me to continue my already 12 hour sleep-athon.
See how I use my time?

You can imagine the hours from 9:30am till 6pm, I was pretty much sore to the bone, yet I persisted on staying up. Just so I could 'enjoy' those 13.5hrs of slumber. Actually, this was the first time I've actually slept for more than 12 hours. Never can I recall a day where I've woken up to the realisation that I've slept for more than 12 hours. It's just never happened before. I just can't on a normal day. So for me to sleep for more than 12 hours, it just speaks volume. Moi tired.

Well, it's not like I haven't been going through any of life's lessons during this time. In fact, I've learnt a bit more of myself during my time at work too; with colleagues and all. And the one main thing I've learnt during this time is that, 'the weaknesses of who I am are what defines me'.
I am less than perfect. I am no where anywhere perfect. But for the imperfectness of who I am are what makes me wanna be a better person towards others. I know that there are times when people make mistakes, and I'll tell you there were plenty of times when I made mistakes too. Most of the time, it was due to my forgetfulness or carelessness. And from this, I've understood how to empathise with others when they make these mistakes too.

A lot of times, I try to see things according to how I want people to treat me. So I figured that if I wanted people to be nice to me, why not I be nice to them too? Cause after all, it's only nice when people are nice to you =)

So from this, I've realised that if someone were to be nearly as forgetful and/or careless as me (which would be humanly impossible), I know what it would be like if people would not be so critical towards them and just tried to help them along instead of just pin pointing the person. That's why I've figured, because of the weaknesses that I possess, it only makes me more empathic for others when they undergo any similar kind of humiliation of making mistakes. Which is where I try to help them sort it out instead of making life even more miserable for them by up-roaring the whole saga.

Yet still, I'm sure there are still plenty of areas of my life that still needs some 'straightening', but it's gonna take time and lots of humiliation like what I've been going through these past few weeks. Actually, all that's happened to me during the course of my stay at the police station has only brought me back to earth about my human status. Cause after winning a number of awards during the training days, I guess my head got pretty big and needed a bit of deflating. Guess this did the trick XP

Anywho, I shall leave it short tonight because I'm running out of things to write about and if I keep blabbing, it would be pretty much non-sense; not that everything prior to this hasn't been anything of the sort. hehe

Oh yes, and I'm still alive.

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At September 25, 2007 at 8:33 PM , Blogger sarah said...

glad to hear that you are still alive!!

is it true that in singapore, there is no gum chewing allowed?

let me know when you have time - no need to hurry!

thanks and stay safe!!

At September 26, 2007 at 11:12 AM , Blogger Ang said...

hehe, i am alive yes =D

well, u can chew gum. It's just that if you don't dispose of it properly, there's a huge fine awaiting you.
It's also not legal to sell gum here which is where that 'rumour' about not being able to chew gum came from.

At September 28, 2007 at 8:33 PM , Blogger sarah said...

thanks for the info!!

have a nice weekend (better if you aren't working - i know!) :):)


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