
Coming into the OCT group has really made me step up my level of discipline as well as workload.
As I've mentioned before, being Head Provost, I have the responsibility to take charge of this area of working with the trainees and our provost officers to ensure that there is a level a discipline in and out of the mess area.
Because of this posting that I have been entrusted with, I am left with quite a bit of work to do ... something that a normal trainee wouldn't be facing. But then again, being an OCT, we have to be able to lead and things of this sort.
Anyway, it's only Thursday, and quite a bit has happened.
Firstly, two more upgraders came in on Monday, which increased the original number of upgraders from two, being my friend and I, to four. They seem to have settled in quite ok .. unlike me when I found it a bit of a shock to be back in the PA again. Now, we have really increased the record for the largest number of officer cadets in one intake in the Police Force. There has never been more than one squad of OCTs but now, we have two - totaling the record of number of OCTs in an intake to 61.
On that same day, my bunk buddy, or 'buddy' in short as we call it, had to move out to a room downstairs. Reason being, one of the upgraders had to stay with our chairperson, and because of that, several people had to shift, including my buddy. So he left, and I am now left with being the only person staying in one room by himself. If it wasn't for the fact that we have joint toilets linking two rooms together, I'd get really lonely. Yeah, it does get kinda lonely at times. It's usually quiet in the morning so I'd have to really rely on my iPod for most of it - just so it doesn't seem too quiet.
But hey! I really like sleeping in my own room. There's a lot more 'freedom' and privacy in having your own room. I have the final say for everything and because I do, I see to it that everything is neat and very soon after this, clean. And usually after PT or anything that gets my uniform wet and dirty, I'll be able to hang my clothes any where I want to so that it can air properly. So I'll usually leave my clothes hanging at the end of the other bed as well as mine. Not to mention the several clothes hooks around the room XP
Throughout this entire week, we're having the same trainer teach us stuff about Police Procedure Practices starting from 9am till lunch. And somehow, each time he speaks, I have been using all the strength that is left within me to fight my heavy eyes. I tell you, it's very torturing. It's one of the worse feelings I know of. I wanna stay awake but my eyes are telling me a different story. Humble to say, I've managed to not sleep through each lesson but that came with so much determination to fight. Sure, I do close my eyes for several seconds at times, but that doesn't count =P I was awake throughout. But if you wanna talk about how much I actually listen ... I'd rather not talk about that. hehehe, as a matter of fact, a lot of what they're teaching me now is what I've already done during my time as a trainee. The main difference is that there are times when it's a bit more intense and more in-depth. Besides that, I recognise some of the slides.
So yeah .. on Tuesday, we had night class. Wasn't too thrilled about that. It started at 6:30pm and ended 2 hours later. Now this, I really tried to be positive about it all. I tried going in there with a positive attitude to wanna listen and not get sleepy from it all. But ...
... inevitably, due to the fact that it was 'night' and the air-con wasn't on, everyone was getting grouchy and was in no mood to study anymore. I, for one, was fidgeting all over just to stay awake, but because I did, I worked up a bit of a sweat. Not a very pleasant night at all. Was really happy when he oh-so-suddenly rushed out the door at the end of the lesson.
Wednesday, we had the morning class followed by the guy who did the night class the previous night after lunch. After that lesson was over, the four of us (upgraders) approached him because he was our Course Manager (CM). We told him about how we had to go to dojo and shooting but do nothing. We simply sat there and did absolutely nothing but talk and sleep. He kindly agreed and advised us to 'self-study' in our bunks during the times when our squad are having their dojo or shooting. So yeah, here I am, blogging while my friends are off shooting and I have ALL afternoon till dinner to self-study. hehehe
That's why I plan to do a bunch of stuff like clean my room thoroughly and type up some stuff for the provost officers. =D
And the highlight of the week ... this happened last night.
All of these OCT officers actually come from the army. Hardly any actual police officers get chosen for this course and as a result, we 'upgraders' are treated to a very special night. I missed out the first time when they did it to my former buddy cause I was sick and really not feeling well. And plus, I was in the bunk during that time. So yeah, last night was 'my turn'.
I thought I would be able to escape it because maybe they would just forget about it and never return to the topic again. But no, two new upgraders had to come, and because they came, I knew they wouldn't forget me. lol, I was in for the time of my life.
After having a provost meeting, everyone was called to fall-in. People in our squads came and sat at the courtyard of our barrack as they 'got ready'. I knew what was going on; my D-day had arrived. I heeded the advise of my friend and got changed into something I wouldn't mind getting dirty.
When I came back down, they asked me to get a chair as well. So I went and got one of the chairs in my room and brought it out and placed it on the grass in front of every body.
"I'm sure you three know why you have been asked to come here, so why don't we start by introducing yourself and telling us where you went to school and stuff." I went last and not long after, they got bored and decided it was time to do less talking and more action. Off came the shirt then proceeded to sit on the chair half-naked. Prepared for the 'fun', I decided I should just be sporty about it all and just have some fun while we're at it. There was no way I could 'weasel' out of this one.
Pulling out two small yellow coloured tubes, they said, "As you know, we came from the army, and in the army, we have to wear camouflage to hide in amongst the bushes. So open up your hands." We flipped our hands out and got a good doze of camo cream.
"Now, smother it all over your face." As soon as I was done, we all looked like sons of the Incredible Hulk except only half done with the body still very much yellow.
Squeezing the other tube of black camo into our hands, they said, "Draw three lines across your face diagonally. You might wanna do it for each other." So I promptly went and did my friends and drew the three black diagonal lines.
"Ok, in the jungle, we aren't allowed to bathe or anything like that for several days straight. So we had to use powder to keep ourselves 'clean'." Then, he begins to cover us in Prickly Heat powder. For those who know what prickly heat powder is like, you know the wonderful sensation of having the cooling effect on your skin. They poured powder all over us as they told us to 'smile' at the count of three.
1 ...
2 ...
3!!! SPLASH!!!
Three guys behind us, armed with a bucket of water, covered us in water as we then immediately began to chase after everyone. Instinctively, everyone ran, trying to avoid our delicate touch XP We looked like three angry Hulk kids who have been agitated to the max and now, we have been 'unleashed' as everyone ran for cover from us. lol
All in all, it was a whole lotta fun. At least everyone had a good laugh and thankfully, it was a one time thing because them camo cream is really hard to wash off. I had to search high and low just to make sure it's all off before getting out of the shower. It was the longest shower I've ever had in my life. hehe
There were several photographers on the scene and hopefully, my squad mates will have it in our montage at the end of our course =) It would be great to see again cause all this is memory of all the things we've done here. Should be something great to look back upon for sure.
I can honestly say, it was great. Not the part where I got covered in all that, but the part where we can have a good laugh and enjoy doing silly stuff like this. It was fun. I just hope that there'll be more to come, and I'm sure there will be. Another 5 more months here, wonder what else could happen!
Labels: Friends, Police, S'pore Adventures
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