
Not entirely in the mood to blog but I might as well, seeing that I've exhausted all other possible activities I could do for the day.
Well, I could study and all, but guess what!? I'm not in the mood for that either!
Hmmm, I didn't realise that it has almost been two weeks since I last blogged. Kinda pathetic, I know .. but hey! I do try ... =P
I think a lot of people have been getting tired of all this blogging stuff. Can't say that I'm not cause I am. The whole idea of having to type everything up constantly is a bit strenuous, especially ... yup, when you're not in the mood. lol
Training wise, nothing much has been happening. Literally, nothing much has happened. I think during the one week of training I have, I'd actually train for half a week. And by train, that includes classes and other stuff put together. Like yesterday and today - if it wasn't for how we had PT in the morning, I'll be sleeping, playing CS and watching movies the whole day. I basically didn't have anything scheduled for these past two days and hey! It's not like I'm complaining or anything. In fact, I'd rather do this than to have to go to class and fight fatigue in front of the lecturer. It's embarrassing I tell you; to have to flip my eyes open when I know that his voice is coming towards me or has suddenly gotten louder because he has turned around to face the class to explain some law stuff. Comparatively, I'd say I'm quite ok. I know I'm awake during class. My friends ... well, does drawing a map on the table say it enough? If it doesn't, let's just say that they didn't quite use ink. It's liquid, just not ink. lol
Last week was just as relaxing for me. The reason why I don't attend as many classes as my other squad mates is because we upgraders have been exempted from attending lessons that we have already done like dojo training, shooting and swimming. So while my squadmates are off having a wonderful day getting pumped, you can say that I'm back at the bunk pumping lead into some bot in CS.
Anyway, as I was saying, last week it wasn't as 'full-on' as it would normally be because we were heavily affected from the Asean Summit event held in Singapore. A lot of police officers would be returning back to our Coy (company) as well as another one after a hards day work of protecting some VVIPs. And as a result, many classes were cancelled and I, being Head Provost, enjoyed the luxury of just sleeping in and waking up for breakfast before class actually started at 10:30am; provided I'm not on duty that is. We did that for the whole of last week and boy was it wonderful - not to mention the special food they served because of them. Us OCTs were 'allowed' to eat the food they gave the other officers and boy was it yummy. I was really sad when it was all over. It made life at the PA a whole lot more interesting XP hehe
Well, Amoz is going back in a couple months time and I have to say ... I'm happy and sad that he is. The only reason why I'm happy he's leaving is that by his departure, it means my ORD date is only getting closer. But if he's here, it means I have a long way to go and I don't like that. Oh, and I'm sure he doesn't like how I kick him off the computer at home whenever I come back during the weekends because I'm only there for those few days. hehe, but hopefully when he gets his own laptop, that won't be a problem.
And of course, I'll be sad when he leaves because I'll really miss the company of my brother. I mean we've been separated so much as of late and it doesn't help that we only see each other during the weekends for a couple of hours before we go off and do our own stuff. And now that he'll be going back, I'll miss another year together with him all over again.
And I'm sure by the time I go back, we'll both have our own world and will probably see each other every now and then; not like how it was when we were kids. Ah well, all a part of growing up I guess. It was bound to happen. Just didn't expect it to happen so soon.
Anyway, I really can't think of anything else to blog about so I'll just end here. I've got a full day of class tomorrow and I don't know how I'll possibly stay awake for most of it.
P.S: I really hope nothing happens to Rafael Benitez at Liverpool. (Just a side for me to note)
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