Rush Hour 3

So righty now, I'm not gonna do a mega blog post to make up for it because I really can't be bothered. This blog post is meant for the few of you who try to check up on me every now and then to see if I'm alive - so this is me saying, "I'm still alive!!!"
A lot has happened since my last blog and I will go crazy if I try to recap everything here. So I'll just try to briefly cover the main things that have and are happening with me now.
Firstly, Amoz is leaving soon =( / =) Yeah, I'm sad and happy at the same time. Sad because I'm losing the company of my only brother for an entire year and I will definitely miss all his weird quirkiness and 'Amoz-ness'. But! It's only for a year so it won't be too bad.
Happy that he's leaving because it means I get the laptop all to myself and I won't have to fight with anyone over it (which means I have to pay the bills myself now...=[ ), and I will ORD very soon - not now, but soon. See, if he were here, it means I still have a 'long' way to go but now that he's leaving/gone, it's a lot closer than if he were here! =D
Nevertheless, I see this year as a year of being active. I plan to occupy myself with a lot of Police and Church because I knew in my heart that this would happen this year and I see it happening already.
Once I pass out of the OCT course, I will definitely be quite occupied at work and whatever comes along. This, I will cover more later when I am nearer to the POP =P
As for church, I'm starting to get more active as I promised. I've started leading the youth worship and hope to get more active with the electric guitars with the main service. One of my goals for this final year is to learn the bass too so we'll see how that goes XP At the moment, not so good, cos honestly speaking, I can hardly remember where the basic bass notes are on the bass =P That'll take time I guess.
Attended two of my cousin's wedding over the past month and I guess it was nice to see our cousins tie the knot. But with each wedding, the remaining cousins who are still single/temporarily attached will usually start listing the next possible candidates for the next wedding and needless to say, the line is getting shorter and shorter and coming towards me. But whoa! I'm still 18! There's nothing to worry about. I've got time XP Relax Boaz.
Lately, I've stepped up and out of my comfort zone a lot more and tried a bunch of different stuff that I wouldn't have imagined I could do now. One of which was becoming the emcee for our senior bar social night where we celebrated our promotion to senior cadets. I never would have imagined doing something like this before coming here but I guess as officer cadets, these kinda opportunities will come around and hey, it's a good experience too. I took up the challenge and glad to say, it didn't go as badly in reality as it did in my head. Sure, it was difficult trying to get people to volunteer but it's over now and looking back, I'm glad I did it. It was interesting and kinda enjoyed myself making a fool of myself on stage.
Oh! And just last Saturday, I decided to go shopping. Yes, that's right. I went shopping. Alone. A surprise to me too. But wait! Just because I went alone, doesn't mean I 'shopped'. Oh no. When I say shop, and when I say alone, I meant I went shopping alone ... with a purpose. A goal. A target. I went shopping to buy an iPod speaker. I wanted one because it was really getting quite quiet and lonely in my room and thought it was irritating having to wear earphones all over my room and when I saw my friend with an iPod speaker, I thought it would be nice to have one in my quiet old room.
So with my determined desire to get an iPod speaker, I went to Bugis Junction. For people who know where that is, you know what I'm gonna be talking about. It was TORTURE for me!
I am someone who doesn't like to window shop alone. If I do shop alone, I go with a purpose. So I had no time to waste around there. But you add the elements of ..
Boaz + purpose + time limit + people + more people + and even more people + small walking space = psychotic anxious Boaz begging God to allow him to find the iPod speaker because he doesn't want to come back again. And that was it really. I went CRAZY trying to look for it. People were stopping in the middle of the small walk path and that really made me go 'seow' (insane). It didn't help how it was so hot and humid so I was really desperate to find it and get out of there.
Thank God, I found it with time to spare and decided that I deserved a reward for shopping, finding it, sweating in a shopping junction and utilizing my effective yet innocent Puss-n-boots bargaining skills by begging the uncle to give me a $3 discount (to which I felt guilty for doing after winning =D). That's when I got myself a cup of Bubble tea ^^ Yum!
I'll end with this; another story from that 1hr of torture at Bugis Junction.
When I was looking for my iPod speaker, I was frantically trying to get out of the clothing section because none of it looks anything like an iPod speaker. While doing so, I came towards the end of the line and noticed this Caucasian flipping through a display of soccer jerseys. Upon spotting that, I remembered I promised myself I would get a Liverpool jersey this season because I liked the design of the jersey this season. So I made my way there and after the Caucasian made this purchase of a jersey, I made it obvious that I was interested in getting one too. The sales person was quick to ask what I wanted.
Immediately, I showed him the Liverpool one and asked him what size would fit me.
"For you, medium. Medium." I pulled it out and gave it to him.
"Ok. How much is one?" I asked him
"We're having an offer. $30. Chinese new year offer. Usual price $35. Confirm direct rejects from original jerseys"
"Wah, $30. Can give me better price?"
"It's on offer. Chinese new year offer. $30"
"Yeah, but maybe you can give me a better price?"
"Hey! Understand english? I don't have time." He gave me this smile which I read as insulting and something that read along the lines of, 'I don't need your money'. If he was going to give me this kinda attitude, there's no point if I bought anything from him. So I turned and walked away. hehe, it was interesting though. I've never been turned away like that before. How fun! =D
- Oh, and I realised that coming here, there wasn't any point in talking like how I would if I were back in Australia because as I told my friend, it's so much easier if I talked like a Singaporean than how I would normally speak here XP It's a lot easier and clearer for my friends and to save time from having to repeat, I talk like one of them now. Not that I want to but because I 'have' to =P No offence to any Singaporean who reads this, but this is what I'm kinda doing now. I thought that if I could talk like how I would normally speak, it would be 'ok'. But I've realised, it's a lot easier if I didn't .. so yeah, that's how I speak now whenever I'm in Singapore talking with some of the locals (even though I'm a local too =S ).
Labels: Reflection, S'pore Adventures
haha, nice to read another one of your blogs
keep it up! ;]
yo borz, go you.
Hey, I haven't been checking ur blog in a while, glad that ur still keeping it up (not like me lol). Look me up, call me, sms whatever, whenever u feel lonely w/out ur bro *hicks, I'm open to coffee or dinner, anyway, ur work place or home is not that far from mine =)
Take care.
hehe, thanks guys. I'll see whether i can keep blogging or not XP
you're alive!!! xP
Lol! Shoppin can't be that bad, can it? :P
WAH LIAO. You should have gone to Sim Lin, lah. All the electronic store - can bargain-bargain!
Was so good to see you in Singapore! You look like you're doing great. Take good care and see you back in Australia hopefully!
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