
Last week, we returned from our police station attachment program and I chose to return back to my division where I worked for nearly 4 months. I didn't tell anyone beside one or two so to many, it was a surprise for them to see me. But this time, when we went back, it was an attachment program to the Police HeadQuarters as well as the Neighbourhood Police Centres (NPC) - which meant following a police car to do their rounds around the vicinity and attending to different cases, which was exactly what I wanted to experience as a police officer.
So anyway, we went and to my expectation, the attachment to the HeadQuarters was really boring but the attachment to the NPC was a whole lotta fun. We were able to attend to different cases on the ground rather than having people come to you at the Police Station.
One case that I really enjoyed attending to was one noise pollution case at 3am. The location was this apartment block 9 storeys up and from the moment we arrived at the scene, we could hear the noise from ground level. In my heart I went, "Awesome! This is gonna be great!"
So we went up and found the apartment and started knocking on the door. We knocked and knocked and knocked but no one answered. That was when we started to really knock =P I, for one, was knocking on the window and pressing the door bell till I think the whole neighbourhood could hear. But we definitely knocked and called out loud enough for the lady next door to come out and reveal herself as the person who called the police.
Anyway, to cut the long story short, after a good 20-30mins of knocking, we managed to get the lady who was inside to open the door, turn the volume down and close the door on us. Oh, and she was pretty pissed at us because we intruded into her privacy as we tried to open the window to get her XP It was clear she didn't like what we did to her window hehe
Besides that, there were a whole lotta other little stuff we did during our shift that made it quite enjoyable. Just like how we were able to attend to a case at one of the largest condominiums in Singapore, the Caribbean Club at Keppel Bay. w00t! It was so much fun walking inside as an officer of the law looking cool and stuff ... but it was kinda cramped inside.
With that aside, now I'm back at the Police Academy training again =( We've got a whole lotta exams coming up and I really hope I'll be able to do well. After which, we'll be going to Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) for what should be 16 days of 'fun'. Not sure if I should be ecstatic or freaked out, but either way ... I know it's gonna be 16 days of physical and mental stress. Oh, and just as a word of warning for those who will see me after that - even though I may come out with all sorts of bulging muscles (XP), I have been told that I will look like a really dark Malay too =P Not dark enough to be an Indian, but just a dark enough to be a dark Malay.
If all goes according to plan, I will be gone on the 8th of April till the 24th of April. After which, we will be rehearsing for our POP =D Something I'm just dying to look forward to cause I know, when that comes, the day of all this stressing will almost be over! Then, if I manage to get what I wanna do after, it will be smooth sailing till the end ^^
Oh, and what I wanna do after I POP is to become a Company Commander back at the Police Academy. The current Coy Commanders say that life in the PA is really boring and slack which is exactly what I want cause then I'll have more time to do what I wanna do and not have to do something that I don't wanna do which in the end, prevents me from doing what I wanna do. hehe
And yeah, I know that since this is a public blog, chances are ... some trainees might find this site and have a read of it. For all I know, they may already be doing that because when I'm on duty doing provost, they could have searched me up and discovered my life outside of the PA. How do I know? Simple. Because I do it to my instructors =P But only because my friends told me that they found our instructors friendster account. lol
So to all the trainees out there who might read this, I say this to you. As far as I'm concerned, life at HTA stays in HTA. Never do I or will I bring it out of those walls and into life outside HTA. I do what I have to do because it's what I have to do as part of my national service. But once I'm outside, call me your friend because at the end of the day, we are all still people of this world - nothing more.
Anyway, back to something more joyful - my ORD date! =D
I have done some calculations and to my delight, I have discovered that if everything goes according to plan, I should officially finish my final day of service on the 23rd of Jan, 2009. My original ORD date should be on the 10th of Feb, 2009. But with the 14 days of leave I am entitled to, and with CNY occupying two very convenient slots on the 26th and 27th of Jan (monday and tuesday), I will be able to officially finish on the 23rd of Jan, which is a Friday! ^^ Yay! What are my plans after that? Well, at the moment, I only know I will stay for the CNY bit to do my part XP. That's for sure. When I will go back to Australia, I will have to see. Hopefully not too long because I'm just simply dying to go back!
Anyhow, that's just a quick review of what has been going on here for me. I will try to update again before I head off to OBS at least. Can't promise I will update so often now because it's just getting harder and harder to update as often as I did in the past. But for now, this will have to do.
Labels: Future, Police, Reflection
Looks like your having fun ^^
I think its pretty cool to be a policeman XP You get to play with guns!
next post, boa.
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